Body and Soul Novel

The book opens with two Newcomers going into a building. They find the giant Newcomer who grabs one of them and throws him into some crates. The other Newcomer sets fire to some papers under a crib in order to distract the giant and escape. (In the script, the show opens with a giant Newcomer running and holding a little girl Newcomer. Several men attack the giant who ends up falling off an overpass. Police arrive and take the girl into their protection.)

The giant is cradling a baby and he steals a truck and flees the area, heading to Little Tencton in Los Angeles.

Meanwhile Matt and Cathy are starting to make out but she warns him it is dangerous. It's really, really funny in the novel.

The giant is cornered by others and ends up leaving the baby behind as he falls off an overpass. The baby is rescued by human police.

He gets made fun of the next day at work when his neck is at an angle and the Newcomers are able to recognize what happens when a unprepared human tries to have sex with a Newcomer.

Albert and May want George to help father their child. Matt's concerned Susan will not approve.

Matt and George go to look at the young child that was found and George says he's never seen a Newcomer like her before. Susan and a female coworker talk about men and how they cheat on wives. Susan says George never would.

The giant Newcomer is wandering around. George tells Susan about fathering Albert and May's child and Susan reacts quite negatively.

Cathy wants Matt to take a sex-ed class with her to learn how to have sex with a Newcomer woman. Safely.

Cathy examines the infant and finds out she only has one heart (Newcomers have two.) She has no spots, her motor skills are like a human's, yet her head is shaped like a Newcomer's. Cathy thinks the child might be a hybrid. Grazer, always looking for his own personal glory, decides to call a news conference and make an announcement about the child. He refuses to realize the controversy that such an announcement will start, particularly with the Purists.

Matt and George capture the giant Newcomer. They take him to the station and put him behind bars but he goes nuts when the baby is given to some foster parents and they start to leave.

Later Matt and Cathy go to sign up for the sex-ed class.

Susan tries the approach of not allowing George to have sex with her in order to get her way about Albert and May and George.

Sikes is very, very uneasy in the sex-ed class.

Buck gets attacked at school by some jocks. This is related to the anti-Newcomer prejudice that has been stoked by the news of the supposed hybrid baby. Buck is attacked in a classroom, but the teacher realizes who is responsible and punishes the offender and not Buck.

The baby is brought back to the station and shown to the giant who grabs it. When he does, he is able to speak. He warns them that Chorboke is coming.

Matt lies to Cathy in order to get out of going to sex-ed class.

Susan goes out at night to make George jealous. Meanwhile Matt and George play poker with some other guys, but they get a call to go to the sex clinic where's there's a Purist demonstration that's becoming violent.

The giant becomes ill and the baby becomes ill.

Emily is trying to act more grown-up by wearing a revealing dress but things backfire for her.

George and Matt investigate and find Chorboke's experimental results in bottles. They and Cathy realize the Giant and the baby are two parts of a whole and they must be near each other in order to survive.

Chorboke has the baby stolen.

They locate him and a fight ensures. The giant manages to start a fire and Chorboke is killed and his experiments destroyed.

Susan agrees to let George father May's child, and Cathy and Sikes graduate from the sex-ed class.

Without doubt, the anti-prejudice message of the entire series and this particular book is quite strong and quite important. What is really bad is that, no matter how much time passes from the end of a series to the present day, the main themes still remain; there is as much prejudice in the U.S. today as when this series was filmed.

The targets change over time, of course. Once it was typified by the signs that said “No Irish Need Apply.” Virtually every immigrant group encountered some form of major prejudice. Native Americans and Blacks have had hatred directed their way for hundreds of years. In today's world, the main targets seem to be gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, and anyone who is not a Christian.

No matter how good the series, and no matter how important the message, people never seem to listen.

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