Annette serial, part 1

Leonard Maltin does an introduction. He talks about Annette being chosen by Walt Disney for the Mickey Mouse Club group.

Karen would introduce the series.

A maid describes the Uncle (a doctor of philosophy) and his sister, and Annette's arrival. Annette's nemesis in the series is introduced (Laura) . Neither relative expected Annette nor even knew of her existence.

Annette makes a friend and that helps change the Uncle's mind about sending Annette to a boarding school.

Then Annette is invited to a party but the guy who was going to be assigned to take her is already taking another girl (Annette's nemesis), so some other guy takes her. So far the episode is acting like it's a re-cap of other episodes, but it's not. It's just trying to condense a lot into a short space, apparently.

At the malt shop she meets a guy who was to become a good friend of hers. Then there's a description of a necklace gone missing at a party Annette went to, and Annette being accused of stealing the necklace.

The girl's name is Jet and she's the girl from the farm.

The maid narrator goes on to tell more about what happened. I can't quite understand why an introduction would be done this way. It's liking watching a trailer for a movie that shows way too much of the movie. Fortunately, this introduction stops before even more happenings are revealed.

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