One Step Beyond: The Storm

The story opens in a hut somewhere in Mexico.

He shows a painting called The Storm. He notes that the artist died three years previously.

A couple are looking at the painting. The guy says the painting is done by a certain artist and the woman says it could not have been since the artist died three years previous to the art being painted. She and the artist had attended the same school at one time.

She keeps going on to her husband about Pedro, the alleged artist, could not have actually painted The Storm. She convinces him to take her to the artist's home town.

In the room she asks one of the workers if he knows Pedro's mother.

They go to visit Pedro's mother.

While there they look at the painting. The wife mentions her belief that Pedro did not finish the sketch of his painting and Pedro's mother tells them to leave.After the couple leaves she tells the priest that 'They must not find out.'

They get back to the hotel and in something that sounds like Wilson Fish's action in Daredevil they are told that their room was reserved, that all the rooms in the hotel are reserved and that they will have to leave. Then there's a cop that tells them they have to leave the entire village 'for their own good.'

A young boy has hidden in the car. He tells them he can show them what they are looking for.

They get to some place and an old guy has the boy show them a painting which the wife recognizes as Pedro's work. The priest shows up and tells that that Pedro is beloved in the village and that he did good work there.

The priest tells them that three years before Pedro came to an old guy in the room in a dream. The old guy did the painting of The Storm. The priest reveals that the old man who did the painting is actually blind.

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