+ The Dark Crystal

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

There are 10 episodes in this series. The episodes run from 46 to 61 minutes long. Lets take an average then and that comes up to around 53 minutes. Multiply that by 10 and you get a series length of around 530 minutes. The actual movie was around 1 hr and 33 minutes means it was about 93 minutes long. This makes the series around 6 times as long as the original movie.

All for a series that we know will lead to a complete failure on the part of those taking place and the extinction of virtually all Gelfling taking place. Somewhere in there, or afterwards, the parents of Jen and Kira were alive and had them as children but presumably the parents also died during the skeksis genocide of the Gelfling.

So, right off, my thinking is this. You have a series that you already know, from the history in the original film, will ultimately lead to the failure of the Gelfling in the series.

Which, for me, is a major downer. It's like watching a movie about Custer's last stand or the battle at the Alamo. You know the ending before the first minute of the film is done (assuming you know much of anything about history.)

I have actually put off watching the series for a long time. What I will do is watch each episode, capture a few images and write what I think about the episode beyond what I've put up above about the entire series.

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episdoe 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Making of AOR