+ The Dark Crystal

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance: Episode 4

Hup gets freed from jail. A hidden chamber is found. In the chamber is a kind of apparently electronic puzzle (although there's never been anything in the movie or this series to indicate the Gelfling have any actual semi-advanced scientific knowledge of electricity.)

Then it's back to a repeat of the Skeksis dinner from the movie.

The Emperor replaces the Chamberlain with the general to sit at work the most closely with him. Suddenly a couple of arrows land close to Aughra and she says something about The Archer returning.

The scientist talks to the emperor. The emperor wants a lot of Gelfling drained but the scientist says that the more that is done the weaker the crystal grows which leads to a greater imbalance and the faster the darkening spread. The emperor, though, doesn't believe there is any darkening.

The Chamberlain is majorly upset that the emperor has turned against him. The chamberlain sounds a hord to get The Hunter. Aughra seems something called the Sanctuary Tree (the pink tree.)

Finally we see a Mystic. He's the Archer. (Who later piloted the first Federation starship/ Oops. Wrong Archer. Would have been interesting, though.) The Hunter will track down Rian.

Brea's the one in the chamber and she realizes the answer to the puzzle is not the answer she expected. Suddenly everything seems to start up electrically. Some kind of stone creature comes alive. It plays some kind of stone record player which says that the creature is Lore. (Data's evil brother?) She's supposed to go to The Circle of the Suns to free the Gelfling from the Skeksis forever (which we already know, from the movie, didn't work.)

Then there's a scene where a group of Gelfling can all dreamfast together. Rian's father joins in and he finally learns the truth of what happened to Mira. Somehow an etching is made in the table. Rian and his father fight the Hunter and Rian's father sacrifices himself to save Rian.

It doesn't work, though and the evil Hunter captures Rian and flees.