+ The Dark Crystal

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, episode 6

The traitor Seladon sits on the throne but only for a very short time as the rock creature comes up from below, totally destroying the throne. Deet and others are being taken to the castle by the Skeksis but a rescue operation takes place.

Rian wants to form a united front against the Skeksis. We know, of course, from the movie that this failed miserably. Only Jen and Kira were left. All the other Gelfling had died, probably in the struggle for survival.

It's an interesting part of the movie, this 'spread the truth about the Skeksis' moment but we know that the whole thing will be like the battle of the Alamo or the attack on Pearl Harbor. The good guys lose and the bad guys win (although it both cases they didn't win for long before they were effectively dealt with.)

Seladon may be setting up a trap for the other Maudra's in order to kill them all. Either that or she's just utterly crazy and thinks no one will find out how she murdered her own mother. Showing her utter stupidity and viciousness she says they will burn her mother's body instead of giving her the proper burial rights.

The Chamberlain has gone to the Stone in the Wood clan area. He's driven out by the Gelfling but the Skeksis will later attack. Rian and the group with him get to the crystal desert.

Finally six episodes in, we see a Mystic for more than a minute or two. Aughra arrives and they talk. Aughra tells him he will have to take on the Hunter and he says he can't defeat his dark half. This indicates at least one of them knows that the Mystics and Skeksis are actually split off from separate individuals. The question is does he know that if he klls the hunter he will also die?

Not more toilet humor! This time it's a Skesis relieving himself inside the castle with two streams of urine. The guard's uprising against the Skeksis failed. Then it's yet another Skesis feast. The also repeat the scene where the crawlies are trying to escape.

Seladon's grab for power runs into a snag. Meanwhile some kind of flying shark-like thing is seen by Rian and his group. A desert Gelfling talks to the group. They want to go to the Circle of the Sun which the desert Gelfling refers to as a cursed ruin.

Seladon, proving she's a coward as well as an idiot, backs out of the fight and puts on Skeksis-inspired robes.