Delicious Gakuin, episode 1

The guys involved in getting things going. Notice the pictures of food on the wall.

The first target will be found here.

The target.

The second target will be found here.

The target.

The third target is here.

The target.

The three have been kidnapped.

The end up in this room.

They are told what they will be doing.

The judges of the cooking competition (and, coincidentally, also the kidnappers.)

This is their take on Kitchen Stadium from Iron Chef. Neither Matthew nor Rin (the one in the white coat) know anything at all about cooking.

Matthew's dish.

The result.

Rin's dish.

His result.

Matthew tries again, aided by his sort-of magic spoon. This time his dish is judged to be delicious.

Rouma on level 1.

Level 2.

Level 3.

Level 4.

He does a Sailor Moon-like transformation.

His dish.

The leader when he really likes the food.

They're told they are not leaving since they passed the entrance exam.

The welcoming ceremony.

The principal talks.

He's talking about world domination.

They watch a show about the school.

You can't drop out.

If you can defeat the staff in a cooking contest, you can leave early.

Iron Chef Italian; well, make that Teacher Italian.

Iron Chef Chinese.

Iron Chef Japan.

Iron Chef France.

Others are involved.

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