Delicious Gakuin, episode 2

Rouma takes off while Matthew admires some brooms he found.

Like they said in the first episode, once in, you can't escape.

Rouma gets caught and tickled.

There are other students there.

The class president has ordered the three to mince onions, and tries to have a stare-down with Rouma, but Rouma chomps onto the onion and starts eating it.

They won't be allowed to take a bath every day, and that upsets Rin, the beauty-oriented one, considerably.

The teachers and principal place bets on how long it will be before the three students are caught trying to make their escape together.

Rin is caught.

Matthew is the next to be caught.

Rouma falls through a trap door.

The second-year class president.

Rouma is ready to deck the first-year president because he insulted Rouma's mother's frying pan, but they are told to settle the problem with a cook-off.

It starts.

Seem familiar? (They have to pick which tomato or tomatoes will be best eaten raw).

Rouman's transformation theme.

The class president's offering.

Rouma loses the competition, but is allowed to eat anyway since his tomatoes tasted better.

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