Star No Koi: Episode 4

The episode starts with Nakata being introduced to various girls as potential girlfriends by his co-workers.

Hikaruko wants to go out to just have some fun but doesn't have any real friends who will go with her. She's surrounded by people who use her for one thing or another, but don't really care for her.

The ham company manages to get a contract to hold a ham festival, but the chief is distracted due to the fact that his daughter has missed a week of elementary school due to bullying, and he manages to mess everything up. The place that was going to hold the festival is very angry and will give them one more chance, but only if they have a poster with Hikaruko in it. Nakata won't ask her; he just asks her to come and have some samples of ham again and she does. Unknown to her, and to him, one of the other workers takes a photo of her and makes a poster of it.

This gets her mad, of course, and she talks to Nakata and tells him how disappointed she is. One-by-one, Nakata's co-workers come to Hikaruko and tell her it was not Nakata's fault at all about what happened with the poster, even though he took responsibility for it.

She calls him on the phone and tells him that she's mad at him since he seems to be giving up so easily on not being able to see her again.

She also goes to the school of the chief's daughter and talks to her in class (making a major impression on the other students), and voluntarily poses for the poster, on the agreement that he provide her with some more hand-made sandwiches of a certain kind that she likes.

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