Star no Koi, episode 8

Hikaurko being interviewed. During the interview she's listless and not really paying attention. Tsubomi, meanwhile, is still after Sosuke. She keeps on him about going out to eat at restaurants that she has coupons for.

Hikaurko is given an MRI since she was complaining about her chest hurting.

Reiko tells Hikaurko her chest pain is love.

One of the workers has stayed away from home for a night and is now trashing his wife who has just entered the shop, unknown to him.

She hands him divorce papers.

Meanwhile, Tsubomi has brought food to Sosuke's to fix him a dinner, but Reiko is already there. Reiko talks about how Hikaurko is feeling.

Reiko chan leaves and Tsubomi and Sasuke are about to start eating when the guy getting the divorce arrives at the apartment totally drunk. He later says he plans to move in with Sasuke for a while.

They take Hikaurko to a spiritualist to try to find out what is wrong with her.

The guy from the ham place brings his kids to a signing Hikaurko is having and the youngest hits the nail on the head.

Hikaurko collapses on the set of the movie.

Sosuke gets word that Hikaurko has been taken to the hospital and he's running there.

She's near death and torn between dying and returning. The people who work with Hikaurko are really, really nasty to him, though.

The guy's wife jumps all over him when he brings the kids to work (after taking them other places).

She starts taking away everything their father got them that day and he gets mad and slaps his wife and yells at her. They end up realizing they are going to stay together and go home to fix dinner.

Reiko sneaks into the room.

She finally realizes she's really in love with Sasuke, but since she's a star she can't really tell him.

She escapes from the hospital and waits for Sasuke outside his apartment building.

Talk about bad timing. He tells her that he's going to pursue a serious relationship with Tsubomi with marriage as a possibility.

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