Dark Shadows Episode 245

Barnabas wants Willie to give the doctor a sample of his blood but Willie doesn't want to. Barnabas insists that he does. The doctor talks to Burke and says Willie can be served with a court order if he doesn't give him a blood sample. Burke asks the doctor if Maggie's problem could have been caused by a wild animal.

Burke says he's scared that something might happen to Vickie. Barnabas says blood is the life force and reaches into the deepest recesses of the heart and brain. Barnabas implies he loathes himself very, very deeply.

Vickie and Burke are at the Blue Whale. Maggie says she can hear a dog howling in the distance but Burke doesn't hear anything. Then they both hear it.

In his office the doctor examines the slide with Willie's blood sample. Barnabas pressures Willie to make sure he says nothing to any police that might show up. Willie realizes Barnabas changed the slide that was supposed to be Willie's.

The doctor says the original slide showed something that was almost an 'unholy union.' He says the substance he saw in the blood was almost inhuman.

There are a couple of problems in this episode. Barnabas switches the slide with the blood for another slide with blood. Just where, exactly, did he get the other slide and the other blood sample? It's not like the Old House has a lot of scientific equipment in it.

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