Letters Mingle Souls

This is a series that is dated June 6, 1974. Each has a cachet and information on the back about the stamp. Some have two different stamps on them. They also have information by the stamp that relates specifically to that stamp's origins.

I don't know how many were originally issued in the series. I'll show the ones I have.

I like the artwork on the stamp. Oh, I'll add that different cachets can come from different sources. This series is coming from Fleetwood.

Again, I think the artwork on the stamp is quite pretty. The artwork has a Swiss origin.

This one shows is of Japanese origin. The five virtues of women is interesting: reading, entertaining, domesticity, art and writing. The domesticity one relates to the women being subordinate to the men, usually, although there were some women that fought in battles. There is obviously a push for women to be intelligent, though, with reading, art and writing all also being considered virtues.

This one of Spanish origin shows a male dressed in a rather fancy manner. It hangs in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. which presents an interesting question. With various nations around the world demanding that artifacts taken by early explorers be returned to them, how much longer will it be before they start demanding the return of original art from their country?

The stamp shows another attractive woman. It's interesting how deeply cut the dress is. I don't really like her hair style, though.

The series goes back in time here with this portrait.

Frankly, this is one stamp design I don't care for. I like more traditional artwork.

The back information notes that this is part of a larger painting. I was wondering where the 'boy' in 'Young Boy With a Top' had gone.

An example of where two different stamps from the same series were used on an envelope.

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