Ghost Hunt Volumes 9 and 10

Volume 9

A girl is possessed by something but the group gets rid of it. Then someone turns up dead, their body washed into the cave. Mai has another dream/vision about the cave and spirits in it. They gather more information and determine that it's not the family that is being target by the evil spirits; it's the location itself.

Apparently the spirits they are running into are being used by someone else. Ayako finally demonstrates her ability in getting rid of spirits. They take on the main spirit of the shrine. More is revealed about Shibuya's personal history and abilities, and some of the members are wounded.

Volume 10

Shibuya (Nara) is discharged from the hospital. Thanks to being lost in the woods they find a place that Naru seems to know. Naru says he plans to close their investigative office. Later some divers come to the place where there's a lake nearby.

Naru is looking for the corpse of his brother. While they are at the cabin some old people arrive and ask their help about a haunted and closed old elementary school. As some of the group talk more is revealed about the various members. Some of the group become trapped in the school.

Research by a couple of the members shows that there was a natural disaster on a particular day that the students were on a field trip and that they all died.

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