
This is from the book Japanese Exclusion.

The article reproduced is from a 1920 issue of Pacific Review.

He starts out saying that most Americans are fair-minded.

(1) He says that the standards of living of Japanese laborers are lower than those of whites, and that (2) American workingmen have refused to allow Japanese into their organizations.

(1) He says they are alien to our civic institutions, and loyal to their own country. (2)They are not trustworthy as to matters of time, and they are sexually immoral.

Their business ethics is not as well developed as those of ours.

One of things that needs to be done is to make sure the immigrants learn English. One of the problems with this is that the Japanese have established language schools to make sure their kids continue to speak Japanese.

He does have some good things to say about the Japanese.

His goal.

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