What Japan Wants (1921)

The title page.

Table of Contents.

The problem of Japanese emigration to the U.S. is discussed. After that it goes into the alien land laws.

One of the things that Japan wants.

How to handle the issue of citizenship for Japanese immigrants.

The two countries won't go to war.

Japan objects to the fortification of Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines.

What Japan wants for the Philippines.

What Japan wants for the Pacific Ocean area.

What Japan wants in relation to the Open Door policy for China.

The subject of Japan's annexation of Korea is discussed, along with various problems that have developed in Korea, and Japan's view of Koreans. It also goes into all the ways that Japan has 'helped' Korea develop and advance.

Japan wants to keep Korea under its control.

What could cause war between Japan and the U.S.

Japan has labor problems.

Things the U.S. and Japan should do.

Main Index
Japan main page
Japanese-American Internment Camps index page
Japan and World War II index page