The False Pride of Japan, Atlantic Monthly, March 1921

The article starts off by talking about somebody's else's study, then goes into the author's own study.

1. Reference is made to the percentage of Hawaii that is Japanese in origin, and how this group could take over the political system.

1. The “they can't be assimilated” argument.

2. Reference to the Japanese language schools and Buddhist teachings.

3. Stating that the Japanese remain loyal to the Emperor, basically.

4. The author questions Japanese morals.

5. References to concubines and slavery.

1. Talks about a strike of Japanese workers.

2. The author's views become very clear.

3. He's basically saying that almost no Japanese in Hawaii are loyal to the U.S. Then he gets back into the argument on Japanese schools.

1. The 'they will out-birth-us' argument.

2. The Japanese will always remain permanently foreign.

3. California knows the truth about the Japanese.

4. They 'they-are-taking-all-the-usable-land' argument.

1. Mongrelization.

2. Mixing the races is bad.

3. Racial equality is not possible.

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