The Outlook, June 14, 1913

The cover.

Japan To-day and To-morrow

The page talks about who Count Okuma is.

Again, more of his biography.

1: The rise of Japan does not parallel the rise of other countries.

2: The transformations Japan has gone through.

1: More on the history of Japan, following by this part on Buddhism.

1: Japan adapted Western concepts. Then there were problems with Korea and China.

1: The Boxer Rebellion.

2: Manchuria.

3: Japan had been two wars, and this caused problems.

a. They felt they could not be beaten.

b. They felt they were superior not only in a military manner, but also in a moral manner.

c. Bushido began to become more and more important.

d. Prices rose, and this caused economic problems.

e. The teaching system ossified.

f. Dissent began to be surpressed.

More general thoughts.

A less rigid education system needs to be developed.

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