Issei: Japanese Immigrants in Hawaii

Yukiko Kimura, 1988

The first 13 chapters of this book deal with the history of Japanese immigration to Hawaii, what they did when they got there, what "contract labor" was, what portions of Japan they came from, troubles with those who worked on the plantations, involvement of the Issei in other industries other than farming, the "picture brides", religion among the Issei, and the effect of WWI on the Japanese in Hawaii.

Chapter 14 covers the attack on Pearl Harbor and what happened immediately thereafter as far as the detention of the leaders of the Japanese community, the 100th and the 442nd fighting groups, and then goes into what happened to the Issei community after the end of the war.

This is primarily a book for those who are interested in how the Issei established themselves in Hawaii and what happened to their community before the war. There is some material on what happened during WWII to the community, but it is limited in amount.

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