Segregating Loyal and Disloyal Internees

One of the problems that arose during the entire internment process was the necessity for separating the internees who were loyal to the U.S. from those who were loyal to Japan. At first, of course, that wasn't even considered. It was enough to gather up all the Japanese-Americans, Issei and Nisei both, and ship them to the camps. In the camps, though, difficulties arose between the "pro-U.S." and "pro-Japan" groups which led to various camp uprisings and beatings.

It finally dawned on the government people running things that it might be a good idea to separate the two groups.

The NEbraska State Journal, July 4, 1943 (*1)

Panama City News-Herald, July 9, 1943 (*2)


Nevada State Journal, July 18, 1943 (*3)

Indiana Evening Gazette, Aug. 18, 1943

The Nebraska State Journal, Sept. 145, 1943

*1. It's interesting that they want "additional safeguards" against sabotage when there hadn't been any sabotage on the part of the internees.

*2. The most interesting part of the article in the movement in California "resolved to keep Japanese, aliens and citizens alike, out of that area forever." Not just after the end of the war, but Forever. In addition, there are efforts being made to make it incredibly hard to do business with anyone of Japanese ancestry.

*3. This article brings up the old charge that the Japanese internees are hoarding food and living better than non-interned Americans.

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