Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #16-20

Volume 2 #16: February 6, 1943

Page 1: Net trust fund trustees named; military registration posts for Wed. announced; co-op member drive open; income tax return filing soon; block oil pumps being installed; ex-service men to aid service men; Fryer visits Gila in 3-day stop.

Page 2: Editorial; movie survey; radio service; Army men arrive.

Page 3: Student relocation committee; Butte young Buddhists organize activities; scout troop number 63 slate first meet; vacancy filled; University Club's valentine social; last rites. wanted; shoe hospital completes repairs; music, slide-rule classes open.

Page 4: News briefs; insecticides fight agricultural pests; anthropologist to visit here; Sentinels give valentine hop; church services; why suffer from sweltering heat?; farewell meet.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #17: February 9, 1943

Page 1: Males start registration tomorrow; revised ruling opens military zone one to Nisei soldiers; Scouts observe 33rd anniversary; Watsonville area property transfer; movies switch dates; frank answers to be given military enlistment queries; Butte coop delegates.

Page 2: The Rambler column; editorial; Lil' Neebo cartoon; ex-staff artist commended.

Page 3: Dr. Lowie to discuss evacuee problems tomorrow; The World Today column; baseball supplies now available; carpenters needed; Japanese music hour scheduled; community sewing machines; latest arrivals-departures; outside employment; fire chief returns following illness; gay-colored flannel for sale; vital statistics; Hawaiian meet slated for tonight.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5,6: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #18: February 11, 1943

Page 1: Queries 27, 28 clarified; 5 WRA field offices open; evacuee property sought; Washington WRA office urges co-op incorporation by Mar. 1; Gila Boy Scout court of honor; revenue agents may aid Gilans.

Page 2: The Rambler column; editorials.

Page 3: Ready market for farm equipment, auto disclosed; YWCA group to be formed; January produce total 29,630 pounds; want to sell motor vehicles?; calling operators; leaves; Caucasian homes being built; incorporating committee board of directors named.

Page 4: CAS decentralizes activities; Welles assumes duties as canal CAS director; many outside job openings; canal seeks safe-cracker; Capt. Thompson forum speaker; 'sweetheart' social slated Saturday; income tax filing assistance; outside employment; ready market for any motor vehicles from page 3; Ishimaru leaves for Yankton U.; no mere stop-gap or emergency work, from page 3.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #19: February 13, 1943

Page 1: Military-voluntary enlistment; Gila coop incorporation articles signed; changes to questionnaire; 720 steers received; rebates with cash receipts; shoe store closes doors; women's latrines to be paneled; organization of block firefighters; G.I. apparel sale; Tajima on citizenship.

Page 2: The Shape of things to come; editorials; church services.

Page 3: 'Gunga Din' leads movie list; Nisei still in Arizona free zone; your farmer; Gila vegetables continue to roll; anthropologist discusses group relation problems; faculty enlarged; new rental books on library shelf; classified ad.

Page 4: Semi-classical music hour; weddings, engagements; the shape of things to come; social replaces regular services; emotional conflict from page 3; director Bennett to address group; wood work class; January farm report; outside employment; Ten Dons sponsor valentines hop.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #20: February 16, 1943

Page 1: State blackout includes Rivers; Gila coop delegates hold parley; 7,425 Hawaiian Nisei answer call to military service; Attorney Terry gives opinion on questions 27, 28; trucks leave for lumber; cooler refund given Thursday; enlisted Nisei react with 'stamp of approval.'

Page 2: Editorials; The Rambler column; cartoon.

Page 3: Resume military registration; family reunions; sugar beet agricultural opportunities revealed; alien-citizen segregation; departed; visitors; church services; copyright applications.

Page 4: YWCA organization meet slated for this week; music hour program; the farmer column; hostelry opened for evacuees; military registration from page 3; new shops open; wanted; letter to the editor.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

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