Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #36-40

Volume 2 #36: March 25, 1943

Page 1: Topaz enlistees form club for unity of action; unemployment compensation claims possible in center; drive nets $70 in canal block; citizens only for council; possibility of rationing told; hostel head offers aid.

Page 2: Editorial; Trade Winds; manpower relocation.

Page 3: Broken glass ruling defined by social service; canal freshmen to be feted by students; Rossman here to advise enterprises; owners asked to claim goods; shibai costumes put on display; church services; Rivers Christians honor volunteers; marriage.

Page 4: Construction on school buildings to begin soon; Coming-Going; resettlement; Spring Frolic; owners of cars in storage wanted; musical group plans meetings; additions made to school staff; lawn mowers here; reports officer resigns.

Page 5: Recreation board to meet; medical staff appeals for help in hospitals; 'Gregg' class will resume; Topaz volunteers from page 1; reserve papers at center store; News-Courier used as text; vital statistics; Gilans work on Glendale farm; good offers reported.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #37: March 27, 1943

Page 1: Stored lumber to be collected; steps taken to reinforce board; 171 file claims for compensation; property office set for business; residents eligible for hostel; WRA to defray express cost.

Page 2: Editorial; Coming-Going; property office from page 1; YP Fellowship musical program.

Page 3: Myer endorses hostel plan to speed up resettlement; Sedberry will conduct concert; murals depicting Arizona landscape adorn school; WRA offices cover occupational centers; adult English class to start; two new clubs formed in canal; feminine group elects officers; canal gets new ration office.

Page 4: Church services; hostel plan from page 3; canal prepsters sponsor contest; Korn returns from capital; university club to hear Sawyer; executive board selected by recreation group; nurses aides pick leaders; canal library gets new books.

Page 5: Outside employment; warm weather brings on critical water situation; child care lectures set; noted drop in enrollment; shortage over, paper arrives; cartoon; address unknown.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #38: March 30, 1943

Page 1: Farm equipment survey to come; co-op assumes March payroll; volunteers-first physical examinations; social security for patients; investigators return, report; grants speeded up for indefinite leave permits.

Page 2: The Rambler; editorial; sugar beet opportunities from page 1; farm equipment survey from page 1.

Page 3: Coming-Going; hospital visit hours shortened; junior YBA to be formed in Butte; Hana-matsuri; Kansas opens job offers; engagement; ika-10 cents a pound; replacement; relocation from page 1; calender of events.

Page 4: Beet workers may leave for fields immediately; clearances from page 1; Outside Employment; home calls eliminated; concert on tap tonight; fire reported; recruiting starts; workers sought.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #39: April 1, 1943

Page 1: Visiting leave violations; twelve man Issei board; equipment survey starts; Gilans hear of relocation; WRA to acquaint public with evacuee work skills; Rundquist urges resettlement; vital statistics.

Page 2: Editorial; Trade Winds; feel like two cents?; cartoon.

Page 3: Young Buddhist sponsor inaugural sport social; Jewish group sympathetic; canal beauty shop opens; no more movies; prep paper makes debut; recreational club council; successor; 'let's play paddy-cake'; Engeikai holds variety show; calendar of events.

Page 4: Issei, Nisei, Kibei to serve on CAS council from district; two churchmen to be honored; WRA assists with housing; choir practice; school orchestra plays Beethoven; Rundquist, from page 1; pictorial lecture for working girls; Rivers shipyard outproduces construction magnate Kaiser.

Page 5: Outside employment; report fires immediately; Bennett asks for cooperation; Coming-Going; proceeds donated; Kono heads club; declines job; fire at net plant; 18 men build model ships; hot weather means sunburns.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #40: April 3, 1943

Page 1: Relocation expenses paid; 100 apply for reunion; city watering plans ready; enlistees to be inducted here; committee will coordinate canal governing function; Rundquist talks on resettlement.

Page 2: Editorial; Trade Winds; WRA and resettlement from page 1; cartoon.

Page 3: Red Cross drive (2 articles); religious festival; Rivers' budget group chosen; PTA to hold election meet; open forum.

Page 4: Seasonal agricultural work leaves good for 7 months; civil service reinstatements; eye glasses-eligibility in authority aid; despondency blamed in suicide case; wanted; express office; church schedule; Coming-Going.

Page 5: Outside Employment; relocation center education parlay calls two Gilans; enterprise head visits Rivers; Butte adult classes resume; YP fellowship forum topics; canines must be licensed; lost & found; acknowledgement; wedding; sugar beet labor needs; piano tuning; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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