Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #51-55

Volume 2 #51: April 29, 1943

Page 1: Screens for apartments arrive; labor accepts; Butte suffers water shortage; sugar beet leave clearance; photo studio opens Sunday; parolees get indefinite leave.

Page 2: More job offers; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Coming-going; Girl Reserves sponsor mixer; Nisei eligible to certificates; Granada chief visits center; PTA meet date told; analyst speaks; best sellers; women's club holds exhibit; Glendale guests at ball hop; last rites; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #52: May 1, 1943

Page 1: National youth week starts; NYA training schools open; emergency telephones; Bussei sponsor big oratorical; Arizona resettlement.

Page 2: Trade Winds; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Youth week observation; Buddhist youth week service; Vesper worship for Christians; canal program; Jr. officers; open house.

Page 4: Butte improves amphitheater; industrial jobs to open in Cleveland area soon; enter fashion design contest; photo shop hours; visitors; U club picnic; Engeikai shows; 28 beeters leave Gila; 'The Uninvited'; 'Private Duty'; class hour changes.

Page 5: YMCA leaders visit Rivers; More jobs; music under Arizona skies; YPF forum; coming-going; in appreciation; YWCA May mixer billed; choir postponed; engagement.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #53: May 4, 1943

Page 1: Students fill project posts during youth week; Wada lost since Sat.; YMCA plans summer camp.

Page 2: Trade Winds; editorial; cartoon; vital statistics.

Page 3: Families of soldiers may receive cash grants; departures; outside employment; school musical; early bird gets the worm.

Page 4: Rivers babies registered; preps publish News-Courier; salt tablets for residents; Girl Reserves elect officers; auto license deadline near; water shortage; Hikida to speak; Hawaiian club holds meeting; new Huso assistant; woman assists in personnel; stray dogs carry diseases.

Page 5: Boys and Girls week; CAS to sponsor hobby exhibit; man missing cont.; band gives canal concert; unrestricted vote for co-op members; telephone instillation; 29, 30, 54 win mess awards; Arizona attitude favorable to Japanese-American labor; latrine partitions.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #54: May 6, 1943

Page 1: Mizukami is first inductee; net factory trust fund distribution soon; stamp, bond day tomorrow; columnist visits colony; O Wada, 72, still missing; NYA confab; many head changes made.

Page 2: The Rambler; editorial; cartoon; movie.

Page 3: Return GI props before leaving; adult education teachers needed; new vegetables near harvest; joint YBA-YPF meet; more depart to beet fields; coming-going; recital; registration.

Page 4: Job offers; ship models Wash bound; central inquiry station named; Butte photo proofs ready; full program; best sellers at library; vital statistics.

Page 5: Net factory ID button; 75 carloads of vegetables leave Gila; Health Column; Doucha gives cooler tips to residents; five beauties vie for title; irrigation ditch for canal city; Army lowers test gage; farm grows war crops; choir practice.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #55: May 8, 1943

Page 1: Farm labor hours revised; aliens become eligible to hold elective office; State decries job office; NYA schools open to Nisei; voluntary enlistment sought; joint YBA-YP meeting.

Page 2: Trade Winds; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Cartoon; Mother; repatriation questions answered; excavations tabooed; last sign-up for beet work; Mother's Day program by YP; budget man sought.

Page 4: Church services; outside employment; Mother's Day worship hours; water shortage hits blocks; Gila to get new plant; GAA donates Red Cross fund; bibliotheca open in evenings.

Page 5: HI girls hold mothers' tea; coming-going; baby contest winners told; analyst departs; oink oink; latest books; social for new departees; wanted; thoughts of a Nisei.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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