Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #61-65

Volume 2 #61: May 22, 1943

Page 1: Volunteers leave Monday; Bennett heads for Washington; council to aid in adjustment; Bodine, Rhodes due Monday; enlistment still open; volunteers' credo.

Page 2: Editorial; Chicago Tribune sympathetic; Zoot Suit gang here; cartoon.v

Page 3: Volunteers cont.; help given to file SSUC papers; karnival profit sheet released; departures; Interhi school debate planned; guidance council work explained; group leaves for internment camp.

Page 4: Chicago committee tells relocation success stories; Kimura wields YWCA gavel; Phoenix band plays in canal; singspirations being planned; church services; Brahm's symphony on music hour.

Page 5: Job offers; more leave for sugar beet work; Indian chiefs to visit camp; double program treat for Butte; over 95% meet relocation challenge successfully; fire hazard is serious problem.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #62: May 25, 1943

Page 1: Several thousand send first volunteer group off; Bodine here to interview; editorial; 4 art awards won by Gilans; drying plant needs workers; Myer dispels misconception; legal positions open to Nisei; Poston-Rivers games stopped.

Page 2: Trade Winds; editorial; Memorial Day dance; cartoon.

Page 3: Favorable change of attitude seen in nation's press; report all dog bites at once; sisters sign-up for NYA school; co-op membership open at all times; Fourth of July festival planned; first picking of tomatoes today; check patronage slips; sewing machine service available.

Page 4: Sugar beeters may change to permanent jobs; Ickes brother wants help; coming-going; ten tons goal of new plant; staff artists win prizes; engaged; vital statistics.

Page 5: Resettlement in Iowa ready for evacuees; job offers; district 4 to have handicraft workshop; wedding; letter from Chicago tells of enroute trip with soldiers; adult classes.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #63: May 27, 1943

Page 1: Wolter scores truck usage; war industry net work ends; Rivers high schools to get rating soon; shoes.

Arizona prejudice.

Page 2: New York Dispatch; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Fund to benefit Nisei soldiers; clothing allowance checks due soon; social honoring seniors soon; LA cemetery to adorn JA graves on Memorial Day; 40 cents subsistence fee for visitors; junior GR for canal sub-debs; whisker culture starts Monday; memorial dance to feature canal singers; reservations for PA system needed.

Page 4: Job offers; hostels urged for relocation; Iowa declared virgin field; laundry service plans considered; embroidery class schedule; Girl Reserves.

Page 5: Coming-going; raffle sponsored by school club; high school prom to honor seniors; net project cont.; adult ed-new classes open.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #64: May 29, 1943

Page 1: Potato salad victims well; Rivers workers assured of trust fund disbursement; need for firemen; water situation becomes acute; repair deadline on shoes.

Page 2: Editorial; job offers; cartoon.

Page 3: New factory last paychecks; Harry Miyake to leave Gila; appeals for U.I. benefits; drivers must be licensed; Pacific coast Army high command shake-up seen; vital statistics; internal security changes; calendar of events.

Page 4: Rejected men get attention; youth library very popular; weddings; new internal security man; dictation class; carnival deadline; whiskereeno; church services.

Page 5: Feature Section: The Epitaph; In Memoriam; poem.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #65: June 1, 1943

Page 1: Opens for 20 students nurses in Baltimore, MD.; dentists depart for examinations; NYA training still available; Slawson gets Phoenix job; relocation for sp. skills; GR benefit movie; Hirokas resettle on New Jersey fruit farm.

Page 2: Trade Winds; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Hogs deprived of vitamins; rich Midwestern AG fields urged in resettlement; guidance council for delinquencies; Red Cross unit to reorganize; reunions for families temporarily halted; benefit movie nets $126.80; Army post jobs possible; Canal High scholars get official recognition.

Page 4: Farm without rental charge; sentence suspended in 7 juvenile delinquency case; sp. skills cont.; more births than deaths; prom given for graduates; PTA finds new officers; GR appointments; latest books at library; ex-service meet.

Page 5: Departures; job offers; BSA sponsor 'Mark of Zorro,'; band concert; engagement; youngster passes; raffle offers novelty prizes; Red Cross cont.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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