Gila Co-op News

Densho has some of these papers, but not all of them. The ones I have seen from them are two pages long, the second page being in Japanese.

Volume 1 #1: June 17, 1943

Page 1: Principles of co-ops; name contest; questions and answers; educational program.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #2: June 25, 1943

Page 1: Cooperation; book review; co-op to enter event; Topaz sets up scholarship fund; co-ops who's who; name contest closed.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #3, July 3, 1943: Private enterprise within center; Co-op's who's who; questions and answers; audited report complete; patronage receipts to be called in; co-operation; ice available at canteen.

The second page, as noted, is in Japanese.

Volume 1 #4, July 10, 1943. The consumer's cooperative; sales tags are not patronage receipts; Gilbert Kurumatsu leaving center; Co-op's who's who.

Volume 1, #5, July 20, 1943. Relocaters may turn in co-op certificates; new general manager; action group; who's who; questions and answers; farewell party for Gilbert Kurumatsu; ice sales temporarily suspended.

Volume 1 #5, November 10 (?), 1943. (It might be the 16th, I can't really tell.) Co-op sets up new store; center requires control of private enterprises; news from other centers; question box; newcomers in co-op.

A good article.

This newsletter has three pages, the last one about Tule Lake.

Volume 1 #8, August 10, 1943: Co-op and education; Segregation and patronage refund; announcement; fresh fruits; Nisei in co-op.

Volume 1 #15, September 28, 1943: Arizona coffers increased by $26, 233; around the camp; the 26 pioneers; refunds: substantial sums represented; student trainee course in co-op; co-op books at libraries; announcement.

Volume 1 #16, October 5, 1943: Cash register receipts deadline; equity certificates almost completed; two month income totals $140,561; W.I.A.C. insurance; canteen #3 gets overhauling.

Volume 1 #18, October 19, 1943: Certificates on nonmembers; impressions from trip; telegraph service; co-op a success; co-op personality.


Volume 1 #20, November 2, 1943: Cooperation-basis of future free society; Christmas photos now; service is prime motive; shoe repair service; watch repairs resumed; addresses required; in appreciation.

Volume 1 #25, December 14, 1943: Inter-racial co-op farm being formed in Washington; fund payment clarified; wartime shortage list now here; laundry soap shipment soon; soap shortage in Tule Lake; our future in our hands; please report address changes; Ikenoue ill.

Volume 3 #3, April 4, 1945.

This part was in English, the rest of the page and the second page were in Japanese.

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