Gila News-Courier, Volume 3 #46-50

Volume 3 #46: Dec. 7, 1943

Page 1: Butte election set; farm program for 1945 fiscal year revealed; war training course reduced; all 18-year-olds eligible to vote; Arnold says relocation is individual problem; canal festival profits told; service to honor war dead.

Page 2: Butte library notes; editorials; letter.

Page 3: Rogers solves $9.10 dilemma; Tule residents observe seven o'clock curfew; welfare handling inter-camp moves; Dec. 15 income tax deadline; midweek co-op relocation pics; hospital head of WRA due Wednesday; meet postponed.

Page 4: To and From; relocation officer here; Rohwerite killed in auto accident; winter feed for cows assured; canal council cont; adult ed. opens new classes; Jr. Red Cross a possibility; vital statistics.

Page 5: Check and Pick; Nisei helps defend work of maritime union; Nisei attend state confab; child's health talk schedule; Y leaders meet; Scouts meet; blocks to have xmas programs.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #47: Dec. 9, 1943

Page 1: Construction of cannery slated; abundance of jobs for relocators says Penery; registration of voters tomorrow; relocation meet in Chicago set; Gilans asked to stay within camp; gift exchange discouraged.

Page 2: Editorial; FEPC now has set of teeth; cartoon.

Page 3: Week delay in welfare checks; Chandler road near finish; co-op schedule for refund payment announced; new duties for mess 42 urged; fill to show belly-buster; Phalanx will meet on Butte; housing problem cont; Hanal reveals shipping rules; cast of Xmas play released.

Page 4: Catholic paper hits west-coast anti-Nisei prejudice; check and pick; king contest deadline set; USO social postponed; to and fro; club Aridan sponsors hop.

Page 5: Trade winds; five thousand chicks arrive; creation of active student relocation council urged; report cards out in canal; 'winter hop' on Saturday; holiday part rumor verified; help wanted for xmas rush.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #48: Dec. 11, 1943

Page 1: Two appointed on judicial commission; job selection by personal contact for relocators; Gila launches 700 model ships; Province meets with councils; house committee hears Myer on Tule affair; net fund distribution.

Page 2: Editorial; Nisei fight on many fronts; American remembers Gilans; Osato outshines Venus; Myer on Tule incidents cont.

Page 3: Rice for mochi arrives; educations from Arizona visit; relocation non-stop through holiday season; first celery crop on Gila's farm; special meeting for Butte council; stoves being distributed; more meat for Rivers; model ships cont.; two hops tonight.

Page 4: To and Fro; church schedule; Butte- Canal Bussei dinner; Bodhi day observance; Nisei soldiers cont; notary public hours.

Page 5: Interview placements cont; check and pick; poster contest still open; CAS sponsors Hawaiian hour; Phalanx to work on memorial; 'under cover' in must list; vital statistics; 'surgeon's world' on Butte shelf.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #49: Dec. 14, 1943

Page 1: Distribution schedule for checks given; Province beliefs Myer will remain on WRA; canal votes today until eight tonight; council adopts offense code; Rikkyo university mentor to speak on life in Japan.

Page 2: Editorial; Buddhism explained; Navy commends modelers; net fund checks cont.

Page 3: seventeen running for king title in Butte; evacuee property seeking owners; sending food to Tule banned; canal bed cases transferred; congressman's wife visits; chicken for Christmas; Sawyer will be 'Here and There'; pageant depicts birth of Christ; beauticians wanted.

Page 4: Center holiday party date set; check and pick; Canal Hi will present xmas pageant; Butte scouts meet tonight; canal plans police ball; modelers hold pre-xmas dance; Goodman moves to motor pool; king candidates cont; Scouts sponsor new years hop.

Page 5: Book reviews; fuel valve turned high causes fire in canal; new years' eve dance on tap; harvest starts on rice crop; Hawaiian hour in Butte tonight; many busy on xmas gifts; To and fro; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #50: Dec. 16, 1943

Page 1: Fourteen incumbants re-elected to council; Nisei in Japan closely watched; 43 run in Butte for election; Arizona law ruled illegal; net fund distribution schedule given.

Page 2: Editorial; tub episode hits nation's front pages; 1945 budget mapped; co-op changes check schedule; cartoon.

Page 3: $1,100,000 food plan goal within reach says Rogers; meat point value lowered by OPA; block managers finance party for school; work on school progressing; voting for king starts; Sumitomo depositors must file claims now; YBA thank you; vital statistics; property owners being sought; they brought 'em back alive.

Page 4: Back from east coast with news of Gilans; Trade Winds; negotiations on for exchange; 'Texas Rangers' is next movie; To and Fro; Butte council candidates; Denver confab cont.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Check and Pick; circuit court upholds DeWitt's exclusion orders; repatriation procedure; storekeeper; hospital social; N.Y. woman defends Nisei in local paper.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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