Gila News-Courier, Volume 3 #91-95

Volume 3 #91: March 21, 1944

Page 1: Wolter addresses college students; rearrangement of community government contemplated; two visit Gila over weekend; OD office moves; meeting tonight; Gotos win court decision; bus leaves daily except Sundays.

Page 2: Warehousing course expands; vital statistics; promotion; Scouts meet; dietary aides start shoefund; Tule Center featured in Life magazine; visitors like trip to Rivers; report unfair says Eberharter.

Page 3: To and Fro; check and pick; milk for babies, aged and women; toy and loan.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #92: March 23, 1944

Page 1: Co-op board elects Kono president; physical orders come for thirty more Gilans; power shutout begins again; Dr. Pedicord arrives; luxury tax rises April 1.

Page 2: Dr. Kehoe tells of Gila center; editorial; Air Force captain hits anti-Nisei attitude.

Page 3: Shelby movie; Spring frolic tomorrow night; relocation in south discussed by Pierce; new mail rate begins Sunday; 1000 evacuees in Detroit area; college teacher visits canal; this week's film; canal music hour tonight; no baking class.

Page 4: Smith aids relocation program; check and pick; dancing class open to girls; new book in canal library; milkers needed in project dairy; auditors check co-op books; five elected to church council.

Page 5: To and Fro; judicial commissions to act as fact finders; police handles lost and found; social planned for servicemen; stay off fields request farm; Lawson conducts cooking class; McCarthy heads counseling unit; canal PTA starts contest; books received by toyloan; Dr. Hata donates books to library; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #93: March 25, 1944

Page 1: Volunteers for Savage still being accepted; screening hearings for relocators abolished; Shelby pic to be shown again; 28 Nisei refuse training in Alabama; Nisei wins Air Force commission; promotion.

Page 2: 'We are all Yanks under our skins'; editorial; list for April exams grows; garment industry and New York.

Page 3: Canal elementary school will hold exhibit day; to and fro; 40 students considered for honor society; Red Cross in canal; Rivers visitors praises evacuees; two Gilans leave for Camp Savage; nurses aides classes begin; resigned.

Page 4: Farming in Illinois; hours for co-op service shop; all dogs must have licenses; church schedule; fun by doing in canal.

Page 5: Check and Pick; trade winds; Nisei takes part in panel; Red Cross reminders; vital statistics; do not take any lumber.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #94: March 28, 1944

Page 1: Canal drive nets $804.52; tentative plans drawn for community government; Rivers changes time once more; property needs one week notice; Canal to see 'Go For Broke'; acting director; Methodists hear Wolter; power shutout ends tomorrow.

Page 2: Check and pick; milk bottles; PJC Gillett visits again; more books for toyloan dept; flower show; new Canal head; Luty asks for prompt response; Rivers has four weekend visitors; Choir practices for Easter rites; mess supplies; Easter plans.

Page 3: Issei outnumber Nisei in home nursing class; Girls state confab scheduled here; To and Fro; Butte PTA to meet; strawberries for center residents; rice on sale at canteens; Phi Sigmas meet; Butte managers enjoy picnic; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #95: March 30, 1944

Page 1: Wolter dispels Canal's fears; new regulations permit trial indefinite leaves; three chosen for co-op congress; Rivers to see Japanese movie; clocks jump tomorrow night.

Page 2: U.S. Army-nationalities are forgotten; editorial; heroes missing; cartoon.

Page 3: Physical exams continue for 87 men; domestic fowls-public notice prohibits ownership after May 1; co-op stores close Saturday morn; rattle snake season here; movie 'Syncopation' this week.

Page 4: Check and Pick; hustle to work on the whistle; women leaders visit Rivers; enlargement of hog farm okayed; strawberries; relocation housing in Chicago; Canal high shop ready.

Page 5: Trial indefinite leaves cont; To and Fro; community aid asked to alleviate nurse shortage; farewell party for Kasugi; welding trainee course offered; Butte Phalanx; Warner leaves for west coast; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

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