Gila News-Courier, Volume 4 #16-20

Volume 4 #16: Feb. 24, 1945

Page 1: Hog farm fire destroys shed, some property; more on filing of income tax; claimants on produce house should file; Sumitomo bank seeks addresses; visitors bring news of Gilans; Myer visits next week.

Page 2: Two Nisei receive DSC; editorial; WRA winding up affairs; why pick on Nisei girl?; Lt. Asano visits from Snelling.

Page 3: To and Fro; elementary PTA to give musical presentation; distribution of chest fund made; sign-ups for carnival start; servicemen; nurses aides open clubroom.

Page 4: Check and Pick; opportunity in country club; relocation for elders too; Tooele without pre-clearance; tobacco sale to start next week; farm work for couple; vital statistics; ads and ends.

Page 5: Bussei social climaxes drive; Girl Scouts elect officers; Jr. YBA cabinet installation; Rev. Morton to speak in canal; rice on sale; canal YBA will meet; Father Lavery coming Sunday; travelers aid, council helpful; church schedule.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #17: Feb. 28, 1945

Page 1: Delegates give conference talk tomorrow night; Ouchida reported slightly wounded; Myer coming Saturday for three-day visit; hospital opens class for nurses' aides; Pfc Madakoro awarded DSC; leave procedure confusion aired; 500 return to west coast.

Doi case.

Page 2: Brooks heads St. Louis office; editorial; Yoshiharas are at home again; Ishimaru wins speech contest.

Page 3: Profits donated to dime march; junior class to give three-act farce; March movie list released; sports film in Butte tonight; Butte postpones camp carnival; movie bonfire strictly taboo; Delta Phi Sigma meets tonight; medical chief leaves Rivers.

Page 4: Check and Pick; CIO accepts Nisei girl at San Francisco office; nurses hold open house; employer sorry Nisei must go (Nisei going to Army); office open for relocators; co-op requests clean bottles; Pasadena sends job offer list.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: To and Fro; Leo Marsha here from Michigan; canal to start cooking class; changes made in personnel staff; group leaving for Penn farm; Buddhists meet in morning; vital statistics.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #18: March 3, 1945

Page 1: Jobs plentiful in California; Myer here, will divide time between Butte, Canal; Rivers leads leave parade.

Shots fired.

Page 2: CIO backs return; 'Lost Battalion' thanks 442nd; Los Angeles hostel opens; two Red Cross messages here; ads and ends; 'co-op news' appears again.

Page 3: To and Fro; Butte hi to sponsor 'karnival' this month; hostess sought by Butte USO; co-op refund payments to begin soon; talks to start on relocation; resettlement film coming; nurses aides to meet Monday.

Page 4: Check and Pick; Butte-many openings for teachers; job approval unnecessary; Frisco war plant wants evacuees; work cards can be sent to USES; apartment open in Buffalo, N.Y.; Tooele wants more workers.

Page 5: Advisor to give farewell sermon; Canal YBA to end drive; canal Buddhists plan basketball tournament; Fukushima gets PF prexy post; canal to hear Rev. Nakadigawa; church schedule; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-11: Sports.

Volume 4 #19: March 7, 1945

Page 1: Seven report for physicals; Army to present DSC to S/Sgt Okani; Myer urges return to normal; Butte Hi PTA postpones meet.

Page 2: Nisei musicians keep up morale; editorial; ads and ends; hostel opens in southland.

Page 3: Girls attend Gilbert meeting; Huso to leave for coast visit; relocation approved plan not necessary; tobacco sale begins Thursday; Japanese silent movie to be shown; canal scouts to get badges; Nisei challenge west exclusion; Delta Rhos plan installation.

Page 4: Oregon couple happy at home; Seabrook representatives to come Friday; check and pick; Rochester, N.Y. offers work; private school has openings; library gets 'The Green Years'.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: 2500 Nisei in 550 colleges; class starts for nurses aide; Young, Rennick will leave Gila; more added to personnel staff; Myer speaks cont; hospital teachers scouts first aid; vital statistics.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #20: March 10, 1945

Page 1: Hospital seeks nurses aides for wards; Nisei question validity of military exclusion; DSC ceremony on air tonight; hang on to ration books; Yahanda visits Monterey, Calif.; Sgt. Otani honored; January checks to arrive soon.

Page 2: Catholic editor scores racism; editorial; pamphlets on relocation here.

Hood River restores names.

Page 3: To and Fro; Japanese couple seeks workers; Yamaguchi heads Delta Phi Signma; housing jobs; school teacher goes to Texas; vital statistics.

Burning, shooting

Page 4: Check and Pick; Mesa, Idaho, has work for 50 to 60 Japanese; store offers manager's job; Tooele worker describes job; bulletins give relocation data.

Page 5: YBA will have picture taken; canal Buddhists hold victory hop tomorrow; visitor to talk at canal church; P.F. to install new officers; church schedule; Rev. Miura speaks Sunday; Phoenix man seeks couple.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

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