Granada Pioneer Vol.2 #36-40

Vol. 2 #36: March 8, 1944

Page 1: Swedish countess center visitor; California board calls 34 Nisei for physicals; pre-inductees must sign up prior to departure date; joint resolution to ask Nisei rights restoration; course on Braille system may be offered Amacheans.

Page 2: Just incidentally; Sgt. Shinogaki crawls through mine-strewn mud; vital statistics.

Page 3: Badminton at gym canceled; Ickes reports 402 Nisei answer Army physical; high tribute paid to Nisei fighting at Salerno front; agent here to recruit 100 men for railroad work; movies; children to see 'turf boy'; 9E YPC social; hubbug over three Nisei hashed out amicably in Illinois.

Page 4: Y's way; weddings; five Hi-Y members to attend confab; church services.

Page 5: Nisei potpourri; boat assembly firm wants Nisei workers; Hi-Y delegates to leave Friday; eight internees paroled to Amache; adopt property resolution; pre-inductees cont.

Page 6: Center library receives 60 books; British Columbia-little hope for Japanese return to coastal areas; to aid relocators plan their future; visiting soldiers; Short Takes.

Page 7: Cadet nurse corps training opened to two girls; reports show 2500 Nisei enrolled in 450 colleges; Tule Lake residents get additional hearings; transfers; relocation; elementary school notes.

Page 8: Evacuees sell West Coast property, trend toward Eastern settlement.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #37: March 11, 1944

Page 1: Community council receives reply to petition; 11-request document officially released; third Army-Navy test Wednesday; 20 WRA staff members guests of local military police; pre-inductees must register.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; editorial; predicts local hospital to face limited nursing service soon.

Page 3: Petition cont; pictures of Amache; movies; school calls for volunteer workers.

Page 4: My Two Cents; church services; relocation.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; Troop 162 honors scouts; book review Thursday night; sentiment against use of Nisei workers soften; changes in library hours; railroad workers paychecks arrive.

Page 6: Community council's 11-point petition; Tule Lake co-op license right upheld by attorney general; farm asks for vegetable seeds; Hawaiians break old Japanese tradition.

Page 7: Short Takes; over 30 center jobs available; ex-countess finds no 'coddling' in Amache; vital statistics; Lt. Tashiro visits pioneer office.

Page 8: Japanese Americans evacuted from West Coast areas finding jobs East of the Rockies.

Page 9: Lil' Neebo.

Pages 10-13: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #38: March 15, 1944

Page 1: Myer reverses statement on voting right; 50 boys expected to take test; pre-inductes no longer required to pay food and lodging on visit; Marumoto, Oshima report for exam; Powers draft board orders 25 to report today; must be inducted into Army first to be eligible for Camp Savage; 10 Amacheans pass physical.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; pledge full participation in N.Y. Red Cross campaign; a sansei enlists in WACS at Pueblo; names three new block councilmen; relocation.

Page 3: 8E YPA gets touch of 'spring fever;' two return from WRA staff conference; Richard Sherman to leave for Army; new regulation prohibits refund to cinema fans; outside inductees cont; beauty operators; movies; kampus kanteen changes scenery; call for women 'catskinners' as labor shortage forseen.

To clear something up, a 'catskinner' refers to someone who operates a farm tractor.

Page 4: Amache school notes; Dan Cupid continues his wild spree here; CYF to sponsor movie; to study evacuee problems on coast; vital statistics; church services; new junior YBA prexy.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; relocation office lists two attractive farm bids; night school director resigns; Hoke to leave center Friday; voting right cont.

Page 6:Sands of Time; Denver bound cont; no advantage to remain in centers, spring cleaning.

Warning about prejudice from a Chinese American.

Page 7: Plan training course for blind center residents; lecturer Jennie Ishikawa makes a big hit in Kansas; silk screen shop receives approval for more posters; to limit tap dancing class; farm front; visiting soldiers.

Page 8: In Colorado, only small groups oppose Nisei resettlement move; job opportunities.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #39: March 18, 1944

Page 1: Amache to receive 500 Jeromites in June; to interview possible workers; Spanish counsul cannot act in behalf of Nisei; five block managers fail to retain office; 40 youths take Army-Navy test; education head Washington-bound; YWCA regional confab scheduled for Amache.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; letter to the editor; vital statistics.

Page 3: Talent revue at 6E tonight; center-wide farewell ball to honor Amache draftees; nominating board members selected; block managers; Short Takes; movies; meet hero Danny Morikawa.

Page 4: Committee signs charter to organize credit union; CYF to sponsor first Sunday matinee; Karatsu to speak; relocation; church services.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; Myer releases analysis report on Kibei problem; important meeting; presenting Esther Takei.

Page 6, start of article.

Page 7: Sports; farm front; former Amachean gains fame as parachuter.

Page 8: Attractive job offer in Buffalo for small family; Capt. Suzuki stresses the importance of blood plasma; plans for junior prom discussed; Nisei girl given surprise party; help needed for landscaping.

Rest of article (from page 8)

Page 9: Lil' Neebo.

Pages 10-13: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #40: March 22, 1944

Page 1: Turk to serve on leave clearance committee; transfer of draft boards possible; six answer Army physical call; 16 Amache draftees receive Mar. 27 induction orders; show notice for pre-induction physical exam.

Draft evasion, which seemed to become the major type of 'crime' in the camps.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; editorial; presents Nisei viewpoint on racial problems.

Page 3: Tickets on sale for Sunday's ball; kiddie's free shows Saturday; senior high music department to present concert; next talent revue slated at 10E; 2000th person to leave center; movies; to reorganize 'little theater'; visiting soldiers; lost; boost on postal rates effective Sunday. Page 4: Y's Way; Sands of Time; petitions for removal of Heart Mountain director; program features school activities; relocation; vital statistics; church services; seicho-no-ite.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; Walther to attend national school conference in Chicago; 'spring time hop' slated by 6H YPC; farm machinery to be purchased; school notes; Okubo elected 11G councilman; draft transfer cont.; wanted; job opportunities.

Page 6: Four good dairy farm offers received here; 1083 Nisei and Japanese aliens relocate in Denver; children's inexpensive shoes to be sold stampless; overseas veteran visits.

Radio crime.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Evacuated Nisei plan to overcome prejudice by proving their loyalty.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

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