Granada Pioneer Vol. 3 #26-30

Vol. 3 #26: Jan. 31 1945

Page 1: More Amache war casualties;award pfc Kohaya Bronze Star medal; take 171 to enemy camp; to negotiate for third exchange of internees.

Two articles.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; editorial.

Page 3: Lindley gets letter of appreciation; announce new area, district WRA offices; contribute your dimes; bronze star cont; casualties cont.; concert scheduled.

Page 4: Movies; elementary school notes; open Pasadena hostel, requests short visits; supervisors about face; promises protection; visiting soldiers; 5000 renounce citizenship in Tule Lake; church services.

Page 5: Sports; relocation; letter cont.

Page 6: Questions and Answers; letters to the editor; The Road Back.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #27: Feb. 3, 1945

Page 1: Report 8 war casualties; awarded DSC medal for heroic action; WRA cannot sell surplus;shipment of onions set; Nisei veteran of inter-Legion fury.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; editorial; government responsible.

Page 3: Patrolmen extend thanks; casualties cont; northern California job offers listed; DSC cont; no postal order.

Page 4: Movies; school news; coast to permit Nisei fishing; canvass blocks; relcoation; church briefs; church schedule.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #28: Feb. 7, 1945

Page 1: 103 Nisei soldiers receive promotions; California is watched; to review storage, shipment requests; listed as war prisoner, 18,000 AWOL.

Dynamite case, literally.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; editorial; censures name erasure.

Page 3: Servicemen art contest; services available for evacuee farmers; Nisei return no threat to farm interests; Hi-Y aids dimes march; postal notes now available.

Page 4: Y's way; bureau aids resettlement; set up agency to assist handicapped evacuees; report Issei chances good; visiting soldiers; on buying trip; movies; PTA meeting; church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Questions and Answers; the road back; safe and sound; vital statistics.

Washington and California, 2 articles.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #29: Feb. 10, 1945

Page 1: Myer to speak here; six G.I.'s to leave today; new regulations set limit on short-terms; hold festive banquet.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; editorial; dramatizes Sgt. Kuroki's life.

Page 3: Brooklyn in heaven; short-term pass cont; censures use of telephones; tells Myer's background; Myer to speak cont; relocation; interviews handicapped.

Page 4: Room for relocators; elementary school notes; movies; high school news; make family interviews without appointments; vital statistics; church briefs; church schedule.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Letters to the editor.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #30: Feb. 14, 1945

Page 1: To attend all-center conference; Myer stresses 5 points on center closures; call four inductees.

Nisei girl blocked from hospital.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; editorial; deplores nurse situation.

Page 3: Myer's speech cont; 38 Amache Joe Nisei receive combat pins; March of Dimes set $221.86; in hospital; spikes rumor.

Page 4: To assist servicemen, dependents; high school news; appoint new officer; elementary school notes; movies; art exhibition; vital statistics; free movies; disclose sale; church schedule.

Page 5: Co-op news; sports; hold Court of Honor; visiting soldiers.


Page 6: Says 'getting along fine'; letters to the editor; to serve six communities; the road back; public notice.

Pages 7-12: In Japanese.

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