Granada Pioneer Vol. 3 #71-75

Vol. 3 #71: July 7, 1945

Page 1: Amache bond drive over quota; new council head; waterfront ban still in effect; four local selectees report for preinduction; gets 4 Nazis with 4 shots; lists casualties of Nisei GI's from centers.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; petitions U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider appeal denial; to promote tolerance; cannery union oks evacuees.

Page 3: Movies; inadequate assistance charged against WRA; Nisei casualties cont; offers evacuees timbering work; gets 4 Nazis cont; vital statistics.

Page 4: News Along the Coast; the Road Back; relocation; aid Seattle returnees; visiting soldiers; church schedule; church briefs.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #72: July 11 1945

Page 1: Four attend co-op confab in Salt Lake City; says farm situation in coast areas good; next special coach set to leave here July 25; installation address text; to close 6F, 12F mess halls.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; letter to the editor.

Page 3: Situation good cont; sets meetings to present first-hand information; escape cut in appropriation; teenp-agers' social center makes debut; co-op news; relocation information.

Page 4: Engineering fellowships are offered; The Road Back; need pump operators; movies; visiting soldiers; Nisei attend summer camps; church schedule.

Page 5: California Echoes; relocation; Lindley's address to new council cont.

Native Daughters.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #73

This issue is not available.

Vol. 3 #74: July 14 1945

Page 1: Amache second in relocation; set return of 205 Nisei GI's in Italy; aids capture of 18 Nazis; relocation must increase to close center on time; 3 special cars slated for California points.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; letter to the editor; visiting soldiers.v

Page 3: To interview depot workers; to use center hospital for emergency cases only; canning firm will employ four families; indefinites for June set new record; aids capture cont.; July 4th carnival profit $523; USES officer here Tuesday.

Page 4: Relocation; movies; attend guard encampment; California Echoes; vital statistics; church briefs; church schedule.

Pages 5-11: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #75: July 18,4 1945

Page 1: 2 WRA officers will talk to evacuees here; says Nisei casualties in US Army near 3000; over 100 will board specials; Nisei GI families now eligible for war housing; mess halls 8G, 12H to close.

Japanese businesses.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; Letter to the editor; GI condemns intolerants in letters; visiting soldiers.

Page 3: 102 Nisei at Sioux depot; express strong dislike for race persecution; close library if no response; parolee papers are in Denver; to seek lease forfeitures if courts uphold; liberated from German camp; return to Hawaii cont.

Page 4: Group opposing hostel also finds oppositon; pamphlet gives information on schools; movies; wants book on architecture; co-op news; JACL opens new office; Bible school fellowship; church services.

Page 5: Relocation; prepare charter for group combatting race prejudice; GI's deplore persecution.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

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