Heart Mountain, Wyoming Sentinel Supplement, Issues 311-330

#311: June 12, 1945

Page 1: Evacuee sick leave regulations revised; additional instructions for June 18 departures issued; one death; tent makers, pharmacists, caretakers needed; three will leave for Army induction; reports officer here to assist relocatees.

Page 2: more job offers received at outside employment office; 25 laborers wanted for concrete work in Wyoming.

Page 3: General information.

Page 4: In Japanese.

#312: June 19, 1945

Page 1: Schools to remain closed; arrangements made for July 6 special train movement; children should not go to river or main canal without passes; supply of ration book number 3 will be exhausted soon; general information.

Page 2: General information; more job offers received at outside employment office; general information.

Page 3: In Japanese.

#313: missing

#314: June 21, 1945

Page 1: Instructions for July 6 special train issued; sports; benefit movie to be presented; residents asked to make afghans; general information.

Page 2: more job offers received at outside employment office; general information.

Page 3: General information; 25 concrete laborers wanted.

Page 4: In Japanese.

#315: missing

#316: missing

#317: July 3, 1945

Page 1: Special train will leave 7:30 p.m. Friday; sports; workers wanted for Glenwood Springs lumber deal.

Page 2: Above article continues; fire in block 15; general information; more job offers received at outside employment office.

Page 3: Above continues.

Page 4: In Japanese.v

#318: July 5, 1945

Page 1: Final instructions issued for tomorrow's special coaches; special Pullman car added to July 20 movement; block YPC benefit movie; block 23 in critical need of mess hall workers; sixty men needed for Glenwood Springs lumber deal; general information.

Page 2: General information; more job offers received at outside employment office.

Page 3:Above continues; thank yous.

Page 4: In Japanese.

#319: July 10, 1945

Page 1: Next special movement set for July 20; servicemen's dance and baseball game are canceled; general information.

Page 2: General information; more job offers received at outside employment office.

Page 3: In Japanese.

#320: July 12, 1945

Page 1: Pullman cars virtually assured for July 20 movement; warning against speeding issued by police department; center jobs available at internal employment office; general information.

Page 2: General information continues; more job offers received at outside employment office.

Page 3: Above continues; farewell dance program; thank you.

Page 4: In Japanese.

#321: July 17, 1945

Page 1: Two Pullmans, four coaches to leave Friday evening; general information.

Page 2: General information; more job offers received at outside employment office.

Page 3: In Japanese.

#322: July 19, 1945

Page 1: Train number 5 will leave 7:30 P.M. tomorrow; general information.

Page 2: General information; more job offers received at outside employment office.

Page 3: In Japanese.

#323: July 24, 1945

Page 1: Train number 6 will leave August 3; first complete all-evacuee train will leave Rohwer; general information.

Page 2: General information; more job offers received at outside employment office.

Page 3: In Japanese.

#324: July 26, 1945

Page 1: Issuance of special train gate passes to be discontinued; Sioux ordinance depot recruiting team will arrive Sunday; Silver Star presentation will be held; paychecks for War Food Administration workers held in Portland; library will be discontinued after July 31.

Page 2: Schedule released for tabulation of cash register receipts; ambulance drivers and janitors urgently needed; general information.

Page 3: In Japanese.

#325: Missing.

#326: Missing.

#327: August 4, 1945

Page 1: New dependents ruling.

Page 2: Center services to be curtailed; three overseas veterans visit; vital statistics.

Page 3: Interviewing schedule revised.

The General is trying to deal with the anti-Japanese prejudice still in the West Coast states.

The prejudice still existed in California, and one person couldn't take it any longer.

Page 4: News of local activities, ads.

Pages 5 and 6: In Japanese, with ads in Japanese.

#328: Missing.

#329: Missing.

#330: August 11 1945

Page 1: Satellite coach planned; interviewing ends next week; central activities staff to be reduced to 14; family housing is offered.

Page 2: We're Americans again; general information; news of former residents.

Page 3: Corporal gets Bronze Star; building materials available; news of local activities.

Page 4: Sports, ads.

Pages 5 and 6: In Japanese.

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