Heart Mountain Bulletin #21-28

#21: Oct. 3, 1942

Page 1: Heart Mountain high school opens Tuesday; break in water pipe repaired; Heart Mountain court site picked.

Page 2: Schedule of religious services; memorial service to be held Sunday.

Page 3: Seek aid of colonists in crime prevention; unauthorized uses of hot plates hit; new chief steward named; co-op study class to start; police force faced with shortage of men; Pomona checks must be claimed immediately.

Page 4: Dance classes to start; activities, announcements, meeting notices.

Page 5: Good-will group of Powell aids residents here; statement on dental service issued; charge for cashing checks explained; plans for issuance of clothing pushed; ten timekeepers needed immediately.

Page 6: Church council aide visits Heart Mountain; recreation appointments revealed; pair of women softball tilts billed; recreational activity announcements; appendectomy at hospital.

#22: Oct. 6, 1942

Page 1: High school opens for 1251 colonists; 2-day faculty conference starts Thursday; new regulation on leave permits.

Page 2: Catholic service on Wednesday; appendectomy performed; first baby girl born here; return of notebooks asked.

A haunting. The chest-pressing ghost is a known phenomenon. The various sounds could be sounds from the barracks or animals around there, but then, if it was that, then why weren't all the barracks having the same activities?

Page 3: Colonists to get legal assistance; information clerk takes telegrams; community stores' sales average revealed; business found favorable; restriction of hot plates necessary.

Page 4: Fire prevention week observed; firemen prepare for cold weather.

Page 5: Cold weather predicted; choir calls first practice; drum and bugle lessons offered; many people view exhibit.

Page 6: Recreation activities and announcements.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

#23: Oct. 8, 1942

Pages 1, 2: Seek aid of high school students for beet harvest;

Page 3: Statement on store price policy issued; school registration totals 2394; hazards of walking on streets stressed.

Page 4: Many Nisei soldiers visiting Heart Mountain; organization of cooperatives studied; openings announced for two teachers; regular services planned by Adventists; work available in maintenance department.

Page 5: Await authority for payment of August payroll; ex-WPA supervisor joins administrative staff; releases granted to three more Nisei; dry goods store hours announced; residents asked not to take celotex, lumber; information on employment, draft.

Page 6: 'Remember street lights' new slogan; recreation activities, meetings, announcements; lost and found.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

#24: Oct. 10, 1942

Page 1: Make plans for self-government system; checks to be issued for clothing allowances; formal opening of court slated Monday.

Page 2: Schedule of religious services; memorial services.

Page 3: Heart Mountain granted priority on school materials; make plans for self-government system, from page 1; checks to be issued for clothing allowances from page 1.

Page 4: Checking system for farm workers announced; two physicians added to medical staff; dry goods store has cigarette stand; five more leave for school; soldiers, civilians visit Heart Mountain.

Page 5: Regional officers confer with director; scrap lumber now available to colonists; social science courses to be offered; Bishop Reifsnider speaks here Sunday; permanent locale for co-op group picked; receipt slips needed to claim Ward orders.

Page 6: Adult English classes begin Tuesday; wedding; recreation activities, meetings, announcements;

vital statistics.

#25: Oct. 13, 1942

Page 1: Construction of school buildings to start soon; first Heart Mountain court case dismissed.

Page 2: Sawmill scoured to provide lumber here; machinery to be rented for work on canal; general information.

Page 3: Clothing situation clarified; buy additional celotex from nearby towns; 1063 colonists now aiding in beet work.

The citizenship problem.

Page 4: Our attitude to affect our future, Bishop says; laundry and dry cleaning service planned; three colonists leave for cottages; social planned by student group; Japanese civilians visit over week-end.

Page 5: 8 blocks form volunteer fire forces; checks for 805 former Santa Anitans here; Beebe speaks to co-op study group Tuesday; money orders should be signed at post office window.

Page 6: Boy Scout meeting to honor state executive; recreation activities, meetings, announcements; vital statistics.

#26: Oct. 15, 1942

Page 1: Evacuees protected by disability benefits; offer aid in application for ballots.

Page 2: Doctors rotate for duty at hospital; Dr. Ito in charge of milk stations; fourth appendectomy at hospital; vital statistics; radio preacher to speak at rally; Catholics change church locale; personal items welcomed.

Page 3: Evacuee property now under WRA control; home-canning project employs 26 women; residents leave for work, school.

Page 4: School and music announcements; Boys' club leaders appointed; bridge, handicraft announcements; vehicles with sirens have right-of-way.

Page 5: 4 mess halls designated for recreation activities; fire damages bedding of resident; Nisei soldiers visiting Heart Mountain; offer aid in application for ballots.

Page 6: Sports; recreation activities, meetings, announcements; Protestants to discuss community church.

#27: Oct. 17, 1942

Page 1: City planning board formed.

Page 2: Church services in permanent locale; religious activities; civilian, soldiers visitors here.

Page 3: Issue Mackinaw jackets to workers; payment of sales tax explained; voters urged to send for absentee ballots; general information.

Page 4: Many September work orders unsigned.

Page 5: Fire fighting crews put on 24-hour duty; second case to be tried Monday; ex-Northwestern instructor to head night school; C.F. employees asked to attend co-op meetings; eight more given short term leaves.

Page 6: Boy Scouts pledged full support; changes made in Saturday and Sunday sporting events; recreation activities, meetings, announcements.

Page 7: Application for absentee voter's ballot.

#28: Oct. 17, 1942

Page 1: Pay envelopes to be distributed Wednesday, Thursday; first printed newspaper to appear Saturday; second Heart Mountain case dismissed.

Page 2: Fire information; general information.

Page 3: 15 carloads of staple food on way here; fully-equipped bakery planned for near future; contract for 22,000 tons of coal signed; need for large street maintenance crew stressed; seek 25 experienced men for sawmill; colonists work on main project canal.

Page 4: Civilians, soldiers visit Heart Mountain; second Heart Mountain case dismissed, from page 1; general announcements, vital statistics.

Page 5: Office of design coordination established; warn against piling coal close to building; colonists' teachers' association planned; supervisor of apprentice teachers announced; director handles property, transfer inquiries.

Page 6: Sports; recreation activities, meetings, announcements; lost & found.

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