Denson Tribune Volume 2 #26-30

Vol. 2 #26: March 31, 1944

Page 1: Citizenship determined by U.S. laws; segregated units query is clarified; record made; pre-natal care on Tuesdays; issues forms; local USO receives grant.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; have faith in God, U.S.A.; visit here; Okada feted; center is fortunate.

Page 4: Resettlement; another Nisei joins WACs; nurse cadet; Miagishima wins prize; visiting servicemen.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Buddhist, Christian services; library closes April 6 to 8; tax upped; citizenship, segregation.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #27: April 4, 1944

Page 1: Indefinite leave basis is modified; sentenced to three years (draft evasion); auditorium dedication; respond to call of mercy; relocation procedure.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; resettlement; coal company needs men; hotel work; editorial cont.

Page 4: 10 workers are wanted; relocation procedure; visiting servicemen; servicemen's parents meet.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Auditorium cont.; handle auditorium events; vital statistics; positive identification; new type leave granted; grateful.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #28: April 7, 1944

Page 1: Dependency benefits elucidated; U.S. citizens eligible for FSA loans; Easter-egg-hunt tomorrow; return of personal items; Easter services slated, Hana Matsuri arranged.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; resettlement; Easter and festival.

Page 4: Definite aim is essential; Christian Easter services cont.; hearings held in Tule Lake; Shelby appreciates Denson hospitality and kindness; Octogonians.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Property to be returned cont.; government storage urged; FSA loans cont.; Hana-Matsuri cont.; dependency cont.;Hostel in N.Y.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #29: April 11, 1944

Page 1: Dedication slated for this Friday; auditorium committee sets rules; interviews are available; Easter Services are held; Hana-Matsuri is observed; relocation interviewers.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; Going for broke! 442!.

Page 4: Gila women join WACs; 100th infantry casualties; inductees are listed; making good in Clinton.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Committee sets rules cont.; placed in enlisted reserves; nine found acceptable; leaves cases expedited; Shelby sends Easter gifts; Easter and Hana-Matsuri cont.; dedication cont.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #30: April 14, 1944

Page 1: Declaration of estimated tax urgent; 36 draft-age men notified to report for physicals; movies will be shown at auditorium; auditorium dedication; Washington officials here; deadline set; due tomorrow; opportunities in capital.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; student relocation urged; greenhouse work offered; jobs aplenty in East; they are all Americans.

Page 4: Resettlement; visiting servicemen; community acceptance.

Page 5: Declaration of 1944 tax; art exhibit is scheduled; N.Y. hostel opens; vital statistics; sermonizing; shipment of good gratis.

Page 6: Movies at auditorium; 500 workers are wanted; observe fire, safety rules; Sunday church services.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9, 10: In Japanese.

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