Denson Tribune Volume 2 #31-35

Vol. 2 #31: April 18, 1944

Page 1: Four-night movies open at playhouse; qualified Nisei wanted; auditorium is formally dedicated; rid flies and mosquitoes; segregation principle.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; editorial cont.

Page 4: Resettlement; job offers in Midwest; Holland, Sheldon appointed; Nisei in Khaki.

Page 5: USO grateful; Rohwer co-op operates canteen, services here; superintends more schools; movies cont.; date advaned; pre-induction; auditorium cont.

Page 6: Tribuno goes New Yorking; Washington presents; steel firm wants 12 men; community acceptance.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #32: April 21, 1944

Page 1: 1,898 Nisei of draft age are called; draft applies to Tule Lake; Army team due here for processing; tranferees favor Rowher; store opens; assistance to relocatees.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; learn all about New York; resettlement; editorial cont.

Page 4: Rev. Kanow sermonizes; Ickes laudes men of 100th; visiting servicemen; Nisei in Khaki.

Page 5: Pay tribute to late Sato; auditorium calendar; 'Iron Man' dramatized; check-cashing service; help student relocation; church services; rules made.

Page 6: True faith is essential; return medicine bottles; high school band roster; parents of servicemen; hotel workers are wanted; inductees; community acceptance.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9, 10: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #33: April 25, 1944

Page 1: Army team processing segregants; contraband articles listed; carnival is slated; Father's night scheduled; auditorium regulations.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; resettlement; job offers in mid-west; Detroit has good offers.

Page 4: Property list is compiled; auditorium calendar; Army Team cont.; restaurant owner is here; Carnival cont.; block 40 shoe shop opens; planning for relocation.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Extra: April 25, 1944

Page 1: Transfer dates released; tentative transfer steps; train, motor movements.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #34: April 28, 1944

Page 1: Next civil service test slated; memo on work hours issued; draft-dodgers serve terms; pre-crating inspection to be made; minstrel show; 'thank you' entertainment.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; resettlement; cited for special honors; vital statistics; dance slated; discuss residents future.

Page 4: Bodine will speak Sunday; auditorium calendar; Miyasaki to sermonize; fiscal examiner wanted; work for 12 box nailers; needs mechanic helpers; Sandburgs desire help; open house.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Inspection cont.; freight and baggage; quarters to be assigned; preferences bases agreed; Love speaks; next movies.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #35: May 2, 1944

Page 1: Residents' vote status is clarified; minstrel show slated; help paper salvage drive; hold tests; Ickes defends WRA; farewelling.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Segregation procedure; processing is completed; transportation provided.

Page 4: Avenues leading to relocation; Cincinnati area presents many varied job offers; vital statistics; handbook is published.

Page 5: Ickes cont.; deprecates racial warfare; lauds relocation program; grateful to brave groups; fairness, decency stressed.

Page 6: Vote status cont.; resettlement; auditorium calendar; 8 Nisei to be inducted; New York needs workers; 'thank you' event held; Papa's night.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

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