Tulean Dispatch Volume 3 #71-75

Volume 3 #71: Oct. 8, 1942

Page 1: Special committee report on mess; council o.k.'s movie house; regulations governing script use revealed.

Page 2: Noteworthy; sports.

Page 3: More about mess; new co-op committee to begin work on organization; movie house from page 1; fire control week; work started on factory.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #72: Oct. 9, 1942

Page 1: WRA outside work policy clarified; will order building material for school; court sentences obscene letter author; YMCA program mapped out; wild life to be left alone.

Page 2: The Other Side; editorial.

Page 3: City to have fire alarm system; Footprints; YPCC plans two seminars; 5 tips on fire prevention; fencing to start.

Page 4: Harvest festival, sports.

Volume 3 #73: Oct. 10, 1942

Page 1: 600 high school students storm project farm; Sacramento JACL will send $500 to headquarters; relocated; beet field report; colonists answer call for labor for Oregon.

Page 2: Procedure for Oregon absentee ballots revealed; sports; Rev. Ford to speak.

Page 3: Editor of 'Fellowship' gives encouragement to Japanese evacuees; Nisei soldiers' parents organize; factory floor being paved; home nursing classes begin; U.S. Nisei soldiers may now visit WRA projects.

Page 4: Tule Young Christians open two-day enclave; Noteworthy; diners must bring own tools; the jinx store; 'truth' is first casualty in any war.

Page 5: Americanization stressed by young Buddhists; Merry Go Round; Noteworthy; Red Cross to teach knitting; Japan uses horses to meet truck shortage.

Page 6: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #74: Oct. 12, 1942

Page 1: WRA chief Myer will visit today; From the Front Office; Newell to have cafe society; science teachers in dire need; you may not know it, but...; Noteworthy; 40 needed for vegetable packing; relocated; flower making classes.

Page 2: Myer, from page 1; Tulean Intermezzo.

Volume 3 #75: Oct. 13, 1942

Page 1: 6 weeks of outside work ahead; colonists advised to go outside with idea 'work hard, make money'; agents beg for workers; WRA protects labor interest.

Page 2: Mask ball on Oct. 31; sports; Recreation Notes.

Page 3: Evacuees are doing vital labor service; 14 co-op incorporators include Nisei, Issei; 4 high classes close this week; an incident in Weiser told; need 2 'soroban' operators, urgent.

Pages 4,5: In Japanese.

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