Tulean Dispatch Volume 4 #6-10

Volume 4 #6: Nov. 18, 1942

Page 1: To beet or not to beet; WSSF here to aid students; entire regional records to be coded in colony; vehicle drivers cautioned; Scout court; first aid.

Page 2: Star Dusting; blackout throws cabaret show into confusion; to beet or not to beet from page 1; anti-freeze used in fire extinguishers; Tule Lake Y.B.A. reorganizes.

Page 3: The Other Side; Notworthy bulletins; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #7: Nov. 19, 1942

Page 1: Military order under question; Army school to recruit candidates for service; Mayeda elevated to supervisor; famed editor visits project; week notice required for termination of colony jobs; representatives to be nominated.

Page 2: Sports.

Page 3: Judicial committee acquits men charged with gambling; help wanted; big game rally; jude fee; hospital clinics; Dispatch magazine; lost and found.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #8: Nov. 20, 1942

Page 1: Rec council meeting tonight; meat conservation hits American public, colony; report misplaced checks, ad bldg.; Ten Hi press club to meet; notary public to hold office today; colony school organizes jr. Red Cross chapters.

Page 2: Editorials; communique II.

Page 3: Jr. Red Cross from page 1; sick leave regulations on enlistees clarified; structural Eng. course offered; Christmas, New Years' cards; B.M. chairman elected; schools ask parent, student cooperation in attendance; new Trig class scheduled; typing, shorthand English offered.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #9: Nov. 21, 1942

Page 1: 7 chosen members of planning board; base hospital offers service; compensation regulations; cabaret to do two encore shows; cafe dasant tonite; open house at school declared; mid-quarter progress cards due tri-staters .

Page 2: Noteworthy; sports.

Page 3: 60 percent of primary pay for compensation; deformities to be corrected; church services.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #10: Nov. 23, 1942

Page 1: Coal rumor unfounded; Army school volunteer needed to fulfill quota; Sears service made available; plans laid for music concert; city board needs 3 technicians; project directory to be published by Dispatch; Montana workers return.

Page 2: Language school from page 1; early birds get worm in Idaho.

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