Tulean Dispatch Volume 3 #1-5

Volume 3 #1

This is one I don't have.

Volume 3 #2: July 18, 1942

Page 1: Bon festival; tools must be returned; dietician here to aid kitchen; people who get mail orders need to inspect the packages before accepting them; dance Saturday night; send change of address cards to banks; Destry Rides Again will be shown to people under twelve.

Page 2: YBA Fellowship youth elections; tracksters to meet; tennis; church schedules; letter to former Lincoln School students.

Volume 3 #3: July 20, 1942

Page 1: Flat Wage Scale forum topic; Bon festival brings color to Tule Lake; colony grows to 13,000 today; new canteen to open on block 41; lawyer named on judicial body; dance forms taught.

Page 2: The paper is going daily; letters to the editor. listing of paper's staff.


Volume 3 #4: July 21, 1942

Page 1: Water pure here, analysis shows; don't quit your work too soon; second Walerga checks today; newcomers must notify draft board; colony farm on science basis; newcomers invited to join choir; girl reserves to meet tonight; funeral; callling for Harry!; adult education class opportunities.

Page 2: Dr. Chapman gives talk in Japanese; what is co-operative, start education series; taxi riders must get signed okay; Smith assures co-op canteens; paper circulation over 3000.

Volume 3 #5: July 22, 1942

Page 1: Make survey for schools; uncalled for checks floating; for better living; watching out for chicken pox; an engagement.

Repatriation form in.

Page 2: Sports page with articles on baseball and track.

Page 3: Hot weather tips; Univ. Washington Puget Sound visitors; Sacramento voters; relative transfer; census to start; dances; relative housing survey; article on the post offices.

Page 4: long lost & found listing; adult education class will have an art class, and classes in sewing, sociology, and geometry.

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