Tulean Dispatch Volume 4 #56-60

Volume 4 #56: Jan. 25, 1943

Page 1: Courses in psychology, statistics will be offered; co-op sets 2000 more members as new goal; court names; first judicial council is based on peace disturbance; 10 outside domestic opportunities; grade school libraries open.

Page 2: Statistics class from page 1; sports dance bids on sale; Merry Go Round; court hearing from page 1; card of thanks.

Volume 4 #57: Jan. 26, 1943

Page 1: Baby pictures are now available; parent-teacher association organize at grade schools; 50 caps, 150 pairs of mittens received here; Coverly welcome dance to be held; clubs required to file report; former Friscans to hold reunion; birth papers are needed for review; circulating library will be established.

Page 2: Editorial; Stardusting.

Page 3: Free service given by legal department; Noteworthy; library from page 1; 120 enroll in dance class; more outside job offers received; co-op order makes saving possible; card of thanks.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #57: Jan. 27, 1943

Note: two issues in a row were numbered 57. This is actually issue #58.

Page 1: 18-year-olds are urged to register; fire siren will indicate if schools are closed; clinic reopens; ready markets can be found for storage goods; colonists turn to winter sports; cartoon; U.S. club to meet.

Page 2: Story of factory construction told.

Page 3: Boy Scouts to conduct class; Jacoby will speak to Y.B.A.; Sunday news stand hours; snow fighting brings griefs; property office does service free; Nakagawa to leave for Chicago job; four depart from project on Jan. 23; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #59: Jan. 27, 1943

Page 1: Annual co-op membership meeting Saturday; $84 is donated to junior Red Cross; college level registration; block depots are open; 'Gay Desperado' is next film; first aid class will be held; JACL meeting is next Thursday; Air Scouts to meet; WRA is seeking to rent typewriters.

Page 2: Baltimore Sun lauds Nisei battalion at Camp McCoy; The Other Side; co-op questions and answers given; YBA mixed choir practice tonight.

Page 3: Clothing unit to make 450 service flags; YAF president elected; domestic jobs dominate list; Merry Go Round; sanitary corp constantly combat projects unhealthy conditions; stores closed Sunday.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #50: Jan. 29, 1943

Page 1: Christmas seal drive nets $631; skaters fall in sewerage pond; jury finds defendants not guilty; planning board assembly is Saturday; three methods of relocation; returning to center; J.D. Cook is guest speaker at Y.A.F.; judge Mosebar; vital statistics.

Page 2: Current social trend is lavish-planning board; Our Town; co-op classes to be started; resettler relates experiences in Windy City after 11 days.

Page 3: Elberson former supervisor of civic group is honored; Noteworthy; reports are good from page 1; visiting will be discouraged from page 1; retractions; pennies-in-demand.

Page 4: Sports.

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