Tulean Dispatch Volume 4 #96-99

Volume 4 #96: March 16, 1943

Page 1: Unsigned aliens are to register; naturalization rights bill for Orientals introduced; public talk by Fridell; 146 are relocated for college work; Lenten; benefit for volunteers; buttons are issued to protect workers; two soldiers on furlough here.

Page 2: Registrar says girls smarter; Noteworthy; student Christian movement urges help for Nisei in camps; burning paper brings fireman on run.


Page 3: Nisei combat team will be activated soon in Miss; Noteworthy; round table for Scouts; suggestions for hostelers; transferees; Barbal returns from Hollywood; Rev. Kramer to visit project; addition to personnel staff; thank you; funeral service.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #97: March 17, 1943

Page 1: Sanitary mess hall judging; preventative measures for diseases given; two visit Klamath Falls; talk on marriage preparations; tax forms are here; military registration team leave colony; last rites; Bussei hop.

Page 2: 75% for WAACs; comics portray Nisei as U.S. hero; speak English, advises Iseri; Hayashi attends New York frolic; colonist urges Nisei to live and die for United States.

Page 3: Kathleen MacArthur has varied, interesting career; city friendly cont.; post office; Merry Go Round; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #98: March 18, 1943

Page 1: Offices are set up for group work; clams are unsanitary; over 1000 volunteers in camps; colonist teachers study psychology; Bank of American service is discontinued until Apr.6; Lowery on staff here; last rites; Granada evacuees give $1254 to Red Cross fund; marriage rings on sale; doughnuts; recital by dance group.

Page 2: Editorial; objectives of fair play group; fair play committee seeks to defend minority rights; eminent men are on board; vital statistics; cartoon.

Page 3: High school Hi-Y posters to build student morale; shogi tournament is scheduled; WRA medical chief is due on project; goh tourney results given; Noteworthy; Kawasaki is co-op secretary; inter-club council of Girl Reserves; Junior Reserves slate meeting; twins wanted; notary public.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #99: March 19, 1943

Page 1: Tri-state high school credits; Colonel to interview language candidates; federal civil service approves Nisei workers; adult block activities; Coverly to address YAF; Red Cross unit slate election; activity advisor here; buttons to be returned; Miyamoto.

Page 2: Ex-Tuleans feted by Shirrell; Star Dusting; news reel show Nisei enlisting; democracy vital to Negro people; evacuee writes from Wyoming; wanted.

Page 3: Nisei soldiers' showing good; music classes to commence; Noteworthy; city-wide game tourney slated; deadline for contest entries; #508 recreation hall schedule; vital statistics; high school ping pong club to meet; cartoon.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 Supplement: March 19, 1943

Pages 1-3: Order of Merit honor roll.

Page 4: Merit board committee; project director Coverly commends merit winners; procedure given for selection; honor roll cont.

Page 5: Jobs available.

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