Tulean Dispatch Volume 5 #1-5

Volume 5 #1: March 20, 1943

Page 1: Senator Wallgren visits city; civil liberties union ready to help removed workers; registration deadline set; 2571 indefinite leaves are granted; photo studio moves; transfer forms for property; Tri-State coeds meet; co-op check cashing; Sun. Catholic services sked.

Page 2: Sports; church services.

Volume 5 #1: March 22, 1943

This is the second issue to have the same issue number.

Page 1: High schools to reopen Thursday; milk cans unreturned; registration answer changes; credit unit considered; workers' buttons; revision for granting indefinite leave made; outside job office is moved; notary public; deadline for registration.

Page 2: Chinese Girl Scouts present material to Nisei in Heart Mountain; Daybreak; two Christian speakers; 300 enlistees wear arm bands; two resign from YPCC cabinet; dance bands give out late.

Page 3: Outside job opportunities are offered to colonists; tri-state coeds have uniforms; Daybreak cont.; commercial classes open; thank you; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #2: March 23, 1943

Page 1: Senator Chandler may visit colony; project clean drive to get underway soon; doughnut sale drive; repatriation open; flower making; co-op educational director to attend Rochdale; sgt. on furlough.

Page 2: Editoral; Prince Chichibu feared in Japan; married should strive to improve their relationship; it's 50 men to 1 girl working on poultry farm.

Page 3: Nisei girl Chicago glove factor worker writes; Noteworthy; thank you; Chichibu cont.; domestic job opportunities in Midwest are available; Sumida leaves; resettlers; thank you.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #3: March 24, 1943

Page 1: School to open; Spring carnival slated; newspaper delivery system to be set up; tax forms to be filed; call made for workers; co-op to sponsor essay contest; 11 enroute points East on Wednesday's bus; slide rule is wanted; baby born; 8 depart for Idaho; dispatchers leave city.

Page 2: Teacher rides buckin horses; Pearl Harbor veteran visits relatives here; indignant lad writes home; Kristovitch is called into Army; cartoon.

Page 3: Game tournament sign-up is slated; Rec Notes; service compaints on canteen clerks; jobs; third Lenten service tonight; thank you; Noteworthy.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #4: March 25, 1943

Page 1: Shake-up made at schools; 1120 acres to be planted on farm; contracts for work; term ends at nursery; choirs; notary public; Walker, Wilder comment on experiences here; YPCC group picture.

Page 2: Our Town; editorial; Ogura advises Tuleans to relocate themselves; vital statistics.


Page 3: YBA directors to fete Honda; 1000 attend rites for Yamasaki; Post Office; jobs; school heads make comments cont.; Noteworthy; Scribblers Club; farm planting cont.; thank you.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #5: March 26, 1943

Page 1: Army language school colonel to arrive; procedure set up for shoe rationing; co-op check cashing hours; pooultry farm will soon supply colony needs; advance; sewing classes to open; wedding; help wanted; notary public; UC paper in library; Rev. Haynes to speak.

Page 2: Common people are grand, relocated Tulean writes; Swing Shift; jobs; thank you.

Page 3: 38 block invite neighbors; Feminiscing; Swing Shift cont.; ward 2 Bussei pick representatives; band name chosen; Boy Scout board; card of thanks; thank you.

Page 4: Sports.

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