Tulean Dispatch Volume 5 #46-50

Volume 5 #46: May 13, 1943

Page 1: Coal crisis passes when volunteers go to work; plans vocational retraining program; Myer's talk; conditions are good for resettlement; will try for desired work; no pianos now; double job applications; two leave on buying tour.

Page 2: Editorial; On the Other Side.

Page 3: Ward winners vie for city marble championship; Departees; shortage of nurses' aides; Other Side cont.; ward 5 co-op nite; new adult sewing classes; thank you.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #47: May 14, 1943

Page 1: Red Cross handles messages to Japan; volunteer coal workers commended; Little Theater special shows; traffic cases are tried; Cole takes over; Father Flanigan of Boy's Town makes 3 job offers; public showing of Noji artwork; on furlough.

Page 2: Many outstanding creations featured at fashion show; Our Town; business girls meet Saturday; cartoon.

Page 3: Social Whirl; ceiling on car prices; model airplane classes slated; Gunderson talks at fellowship; Noji to speak; vital statistics; thank you; Matrons to hear Miss Billings; CYF program; at placement; pencils found.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #48: May 15, 1943

Page 1: Placement will be open on Tuesday, Thursday evenings; must observe ceilings in selling equipment; nurses' aides badly needed; beet workers recruited; Dr. Hannaford joins staff of Tule Lake Union Church; may harvest potato crop; no recruiting at warehouse; cost of building our center.

Page 2: Feminiscing; Dr. Hannaford cont.; sports; dancing classes to start; church services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #49: May 17, 1943

Page 1: Mess halls judged again; procedure to obtain shoes is changed again; more coal arrives here; Tri-State Hi sells annuals; defense attorneys under fire in evacuation case; Pegler writes on evacuees after visiting center; notary public.

Page 2: Star Dusting; merit award winners send many letters of thanks; music dept. plans student recital; cartoon.

Page 3: Co-op invites everyone to grand picnic; much domestic work in Chicago; return confisgated goods at Granada; Social Whirl; job offered by Biddle's cousin; cars wanted.

Page 4: Departees; jobs; thank you; in appreciation; Post Office; Noteworthy; vital statistics, in appreciation.

Volume 5 #50: May 18, 1943

Page 1: Shoe certificates to be distributed on arrival; qualified persons may go out on civil service jobs; personality problems; timekeepers will handle return of i.d. badges; TSO plans progressing; art exhibit is success; on furlough; junior field day canceled; refund deadline.

Page 2: Editorial; Trivia; about shoe certificates; vital statistics; minor cases were tried last week; 100 railroad workers needed.

Page 3: Noteworthy; ex-Dispatch reporter does his share of relocation; art exhibit cont.; Foss added to project staff; marvle tourney; Koga feted by block 37; calendar of events.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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