Tulean Dispatch Volume 5 #71-75

Volume 5 #71: June 11, 1943

Page 1: Less labor on US farms; WRA announces reason why NYA agreement canceled; call aircraft workers; evacuee's diet depends on project's farm production; on furlough; WRA regulation bans evacuee owned cars.

Page 2: Complete program given for three-day YBA confab; sketching classes set; YBA invites servicemen; acting I.S. chief; less workers cont.; fifteen workers are needed.

Page 3: Must raise farm goods cont.; Social Whirl; 4-H club meets; Campfire Girls call meeting.

Page 4: Sports.v

Volume 5 #72: June 12, 1943

Page 1: New hotel in Chicago; project agricultural program must succeed; to eliminate gambling; block 44 mess to reopen; Friends committee opens two hostels in Midwest; vents cut in mess ceilings dangerous; Father Kirby on visit here; YBA pictures; vital statistics; sends clothing.

Page 2: Farm production essential; GR program starts today; post office; church services; evening sewing class to begin; swing concert Mon.; Red Cross elects.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #73: June 14, 1943

Page 1: Census to be taken Tuesday; begin Dies hearing; feeling in Spokane ok; men sent to Klamath jail; dept. closed; new teacher; temporary med. officer; movie on evacuation. relocation planned; language resolution; book orders delayed; dates clothing class closed; on furlough; notary.

Page 2: Volunteers prepare for action at Camp Shelby; Stardusting; letter describes life at Boise; four to attend GR conference.

Page 3: Departees; swing concert tonight; hotel to recruit many workers; men needed in railroad crew; Tri-State thespians present good program; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #74: June 15, 1943

Page 1: WRA aids NYA enlistees to find suitable employment; new attorney; Senator Collier makes short visit to project; move at outdoor stage; on furlough; make job application; registration open for many adult courses; government will buy radios and small guns; jobs at hotel; books soon.

Page 2: Tulean Intermezzo; editorial; cartoon; one year ago this week.

Page 3: Elementary schools hold playday program Friday; Departees; duffel bags being sold; at placement; vital statistics; YBA confab successful.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #75: June 16, 1943

Page 1: Opening for 38 workers; Harkness acting chief community services div.; summer school to start; SRC director; resolution of greetings, thanks sent to Coverley; Tsuda new supervisor; aids soldiers in battle; procedure for transfer of residence in project.

Page 2: Urge full use of aliens in defense work; Footprints; Los Angeles mayor scored in newspaper article; post office.

Page 3: Social Whirl; group to visit co-op office; YBA confab cont.; new teacher; post office; artists' position open on staff; departees; Sears here Wed; change mail order procedure.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: Gala program being planned for July 3, 4; music courses in harmony, theory offered; scouts to form drum, bugle corps; dance week; TSO slated for servicemen; fourth of July program committee; calendar of events.

Page 6: In Japanese.

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