Tulean Dispatch Volume 5 #91-95

Volume 5 #91: July 5, 1943

Page 1: May use evacuees in war jobs; sports; ex-Tuleans in Army; two adult bookkeeping classes open this week; analyst office staff organized; notary public.

Page 2: Sports; unclaimed mail; co-op has outside job opening; Mason returns to buy cars, trucks; clinic schedule.

Volume 5 #92: July 6, 1943

Page 1: Fire causes $5000 loss at poultry farm; new movie starts run (Ride 'em Cowboy); get marriage license now; persons owning foreign property must report; project must use less water; on furlough; YPCC pictures on sale; Hamatami new officer.

Page 2: Red Cross home nursing classes to start; Our Town; car buyer here; vital statistics; cook wanted; cartoon.

Page 3: Social Whirl; jobs; outside co-ops offer jobs; social welfare division office.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #93: July 7, 1943

Page 1: Defective oil stove started fire at poultry farm; senior picnic set Friday; grants to be resumed; Sumitomo depositors; concert set by Tri-State; L.A. storage; workers who terminate must hand in badges.

Page 2: 'Problem of relocation is individual matter'; Arakawa first Nisei WAAC; marriage offer from Caucasian; at placement; vital statistics; combat team band debut; new schedule for turning in June co-op stubs given.

Page 3: Poultry farm is largest in Northern California; jobs; YWCA will help find vacancies; Departees; school-wide campaign to raise scholarship fund; 'faculty follies' to be repeated; post office.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #94: July 8, 1943

Page 1: Bible school this month; 'pay as you go' federal income tax plan goes into effect; scoutmaster training set; notary public; poultry output cut by fire; Cleveland hostel described; new curfew.

Page 2: Star Dusting; cartoon; medical detachment at Camp Shelby wins high praise; liars contest will be held; new teacher.

Page 3: Income tax plan cont.; jobs; Cleveland hostel cont; two new craft classes to begin; sentiment 'favorable' on outside says delegate.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #95: July 9, 1943

Page 1: Many have not filed claims against bank; co-op fish market will be opened; new schedule announced for home nursing course; to continue recruiting; baccalaureate; on furlough; good domestic job offered; Spanish dance, song to feature program.

Page 2: Editorial; Footprints; from the Dispatch files.

Page 3: 'Follies' a hilarious hit; deadline for June stubs; new business classes open; clothing class registration; MacNeil has much experience in co-op movement; new books added to city library; secretary wanted.

Page 4: Sports; cartoon.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #95: July 10, 1943

Same number as above, but different date.

Page 1: Baccalaureate services will be held tomorrow; more Nisei called; record concert; Bussei board slates meeting; donate books; Tri-State student body officers are elected.

Myer speaks out on prejudice.

Page 2: Army language school cont.; Social Whirl; Church Services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

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