Tulean Dispatch Volume 6 #1-5

Volume 6 #1: July 17, 1943

Page 1: Relocation supervisor tells of conditions in New York; new executive secretary; return of evacuees discussed; all-star class Sunday; job offer; Myer tells work done by WRA.

Page 2: Program for Obon festival; Social Whirl; conditions in New York cont.; church services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #2: July 19, 1943

Page 1: Remember return address; many job opportunities in Kansas City area; irrigation of farm begins; social welfare office moves; 'Downbeats' last dance; Shelby soldiers aid Hawaii paralysis fund; hostel opened in Omaha.


Page 2: Local furniture factory supplies other centers; Departees; Star Dusting; cartoon.

Page 3: Kansas City cont.; jobs; will buy cars; lost and found; letter to the editor.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 6 #3: July 20, 1943

Page 1: Tule Lake designated for those considered disloyal; forum set for tonite; Col Rasmussen here to interview for Camp Savage; has no news of Exodus.

Page 2: Our Town; 'a good samitarian' to the Tri-State High seniors; post office; Ozaki did not go to Camp Savage; recruit workers; vital statistics; lost articles; jobs open at placement.

Page 3: Some resettlers creating bad effect for relocation (All articles of this type refer to the same problem; some of those who resettle by agreeing to take a particular job either don't show up for the job, or only work a very short time at that job before quitting); jobs; may travel for divorce hearings; beginners English class opens; worst dust storm yet; forum cont.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #4: July 21, 1943

Page 1: Harvesting of vegetables begins; resettlers cautioned on use of explosives; price of dining car meals limited by OPA; farm wage rates hit all-time high; new teacher added here; on furlough.

Page 2: Footprints; cartoon; late Shelby arrivals drill doubly hard to 'catch-up'.

Page 3: Farm wages cont.; Social Whirl; orders taken for high school pics; urge drafting of Japanese; departees.

Page 4: Sports; jobs; Tule Lake reporter writes about evacuee problems; calendar of events.

Volume 6 #5: July 22, 1943

Page 1: Indefinites increase; premiums, interest paid on blocked insurance policies; registration open for summer sewing classes; schools open to evacuees; must work sixty days; visitor.

WRA statement on evacuees.

Page 2: Fistere makes survey of feeling in Midwest; new pickling shed started; tangle with sailors in Chicago.

Page 3: Departees; co-ops hiring evacuees to solve labor shortage; jobs.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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