Tulean Dispatch Volume 6 #11-15

Volume 6 #11: July 29, 1943

Page 1: Need 50 men in S. Dakota; residents who wish hearings should fill out form 130; demand for outside jobs increasing; 'The Plainsman' is new movie; operators; ;17-year-olds must register; Graves at placement; new furniture being made; repairing.

Page 2: Types of farm operational opportunities described; Tulean Intermezzo; cartoon.

Page 3: Jobs; harvesting is continued; Departees; two released from internment; many jobs open at Camp Shelby; letter to the editor; at placement; records office to hold dinner; want ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #12: July 30, 1943

Page 1: Have photos taken now; local evacuees to relocate; Best describes work with WRA 'interesting,' ; studies evacuee problems; Brethern hostel in Chicago has openings; to arrive from Chicago; report on segregation by Myer.

Page 2: Outlook community reported (?) favorable in most cases; Footprints; from the Dispatch files.

Page 3: Segregation cont.; to return to normal life; TSO benefit dance slated; REC wants cards; new director anxious to start work at Tule Lake; unclaimed mail; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #13: July 31, 1943

Page 1: Keep kids from changing bills; may turn in stubs received from July 1; chicken on mess tables; ex-Tuleans get photos in St. Louis paper; more take civil exams; Kennedy to arrive here; GRs attend services; Nisei women in center can't volunteer for WACs; Catholic services.


Page 2: Social Whirl; ex-Tuleans cont.; church services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #14: Aug. 2, 1943

Page 1: To impose fines on violators of city laws; rec program is expanded; Presbyterian group backs resettlement; Topaz calls farm help; Kibei, Issei English class; farm, city earnings compared.

Page 2: Blood tests given hogs; Star Dusting; tea classes to begin; cartoon.

Page 3: Tamuras from Jerome center find relocation is all right; jobs; departees; vital statistics; notary public; at placement; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 6 #15: Aug. 3, 1943

Page 1: Bodine to visit here; Myer gives reasons for selecting Tule Lake; harvesting continues; new movie; JACL civil rights fund gets $947 from Bostonian; construction on high school nears completion; transfers.

Page 2: From the Outside; relocation prospects in Denver area reported; Northern Colorado also out; better chance in small towns.

Page 3: Jobs; Hunt not for war prisoners; Japanese record program set; Departees; unclaimed mail; will buy stored automobiles; vital statistics; for sale; calendar of events.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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