Tulean Dispatch Volume 6 #16-20

Volume 6 #16: Aug. 4, 1943

Page 1: Segregation was not born overnight; Best greets residents; to combat spreading of unfounded rumors; pamphlet describes program.

Page 2: Tulean Intermezzo; cartoon; public sentiment favorable in the mountain states.

Page 3: Social Whirl; Departees; Noteworthy; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 6 #17: Aug. 5, 1943

Page 1: Richardson to visit here; job offer in North Dakota; opportunity for girls to attend college made; yen certifications must be reported; nursing class still open; editorial; on furlough; lost & found; hearings start at Granada.

Page 2: Sports; jobs.

Page 3-5: Segregation procedure given (half of page 5 is in Japanese)

Page 6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #18: Aug. 6, 1943

Page 1: Opening in Kansas City; divorce cases; at placement; shortage of med. bottles; co-op squelches rumor on Japanese merchandise; rumor clinic; new teachers.

Page 2: Jobs; Sports.

Page 3: Sumo tourney; judo slated soon; popularity contest to top holiday plan; dog show; outdoor stage show canceled; new movie; labor day comm.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #19: Aug. 7, 1943

Page 1: Governor Snell, state senator visit project; speakers to clarify segregation policies; get packages immediately; 3 graduates receive scholarship grants; vegetables shipped out; rumor clinic.

Page 2: Social Whirl; sports; church services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #20: Aug. 9, 1943

Page 1: Excellent opportunity offered to five girls; information centers; interviews students; new notary public sked; two added to hospital; about Harold James; new movie starts tonite; now is the time to relcoate.

Page 2: Chicago area many opportunities open; unclaimed mail.

Page 3: Jobs; relocate now cont.; at hosptial; painters wanted; permanent jobs; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

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