Manazanar Free Press, Volume 2 #21-25

Volume 2 #21: Sept. 7, 1942

Page 1: Relocation starts rolling; July pay to be completed soon; Nisei serve on teaching staff; Dr. Redfield to study center; add members to recreation staff; noted party visits from L.A.; second front; new residents; U.S. Attorney W. F. Palmer dies; Dr. Okuno arrives; Sol Kimball; party set for Horton's farewell; property for lease?; headed for S.F.; Manzanar farm products displayed.

Page 2: Editorials; dear editor.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy; news in brief; Nisei use franchise for absentee voting; museum seeks donations; wood handicrafts display skill; Mc William's survey penetrating; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #22: Sept. 9, 1942

Page 1: Holland leaves but sign-up continues; establish new govt set-up; lots of workers; WRA go signal given co-op; federal storage; masks, belts made; thank you; students write history; by-laws framed; schools occupy eighteen halls; trio sentenced for burglary; Japanese concert; correction; to wed; mark time; first workers' assembly held; there's be some changes made.

Page 2: Editorials; news in brief; after the deadline; hospital seeks employees; dieticians needed; among other things; girls volunteer meet; children arrive; introducing.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; hospital open house in final preparation; funeral for Nomura; Saturday forum; people column; electric guitar; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #9 Sept. 10, 1942

Two pages in Japanese. The numbering system must refer to the Japanese publication and not the regular publication.

Volume 2 #23 Sept. 11, 1942

Page 1: Good as gold; shutdown; new police chief assumes duties; Hawaii group in meeting; block chiefs remain; Bates explains publicity; future of group to be decided; unclaimed packages still at office; squib; lumber arrives; Poston visitors study guayule; final payments to be made; new fire staff; Caucasians in arrival group; make requisition for clothing issue; Indian lecturer; twenty potatoes.

Page 2: Editorials; just browsing; from other centers; 'Y' doings; 'Y' girls' council to hold rally; common ground; 36 to open soon.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy; hospital open house program slated (various articles); engagement; classified ads; correction; meeting called; concert; Buddhist's Saturday.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #10 Sept. 12, 1942

Two pages in Japanese.

Volume 2 #24 Sept. 14, 1942

Page 1: Schools to begin; co-op receives state recognition; local government foundation set; new regulations for net project; new press days; Friends back work camp; around the blocks; work corps needs support; marriage; Bennett tells of Henry Kaiser's life; women volunteer in labor shortage; canteen to close; oil delivery; lost clipping of sentimental value; released; lumber arrives.

Page 2: News in brief; editorials; introducing Manzanar; platter chatter; beauty spot.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; demonstration classes held for teacher trainees; hospital program draws crowd; clubs; August pay soon; visitors; fashion show canceled; furlough signs up 900 to date; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #11 Sept. 15, 1942

Two pages in Japanese.

Volume 2 #12 Sept. 16, 1942

Two pages in Japanese.

Volume 2 #25 Sept. 17, 1942

Page 1: Government committee begins work; sugar company agents here; heroic Nisei actions cited in New Republic magazine; ration cards; relocation; center population nears capacity; movies tonight; agricultural workers stand by for call; Free Press quoted in outside papers; no drafting of Japanese labor; expert suggestions breakdown; 370 working at net factory.

Page 2: Editorials; adult education; Manzanar Metazoa; oil shortage here; Red Cross to start; music hour to have Schubert, Mozart; co-op congress meets Saturday; temporary vacancy filled.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy; Scouts get awards in first review; election registration open; scouts to meet; social locale changed; block club to sponsor talent show; Buddhists dedicate church.

Page 4: Sports.

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