Manazanar Free Press, Volume 3 #1-5

Volume 3 #1: Jan. 1, 1943

Page 1: Distribution of clothing allowance of July begun; first peoples' cooperative enterprise established at co-op meet; exhibit to hold furniture sale; Short and Brief; customers deluge canteen to buy Japanese foods; legal aid office moves; Christmas observed despite windstorm; popularity calls repeat performance of Xmas program.

Page 2: Editorial; Shooting the Breeze; moot date of school opening; Introducing Personalities; Newsnotes on Teachers; Buddhist church; sweater girl; Beauty Spot; classified ads.

Page 3: Co-op; to keep law and order; Library Notes; traditional mochi-tsuki held for coming New Year.

Page 4: Platter Chatter; residents get generous gifts; crazy man's wild dream; museum to hold two-week exhibit; sports calendar; meet 'cowboy'.

Page 5: Polka Dots; children's village celebrates Yuletide with festivities; Manzanar center has only visual education dept.; net project closed down; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Volume 3 #2: Jan. 6, 1943

Page 1: Benefits sought for workers; PTA bazaar and movie hailed successful; new police personnel released; warehouses for evacuee goods announced; clothing allowance distributed; increase in farm acerage mapped; writer reports March of Headlines in 1942; oil shortage fear unnecessary; to open relocation offices in mid-West.

Page 2: Editorial; From Other Centers; New Years' over; candlelight services; Scouts to resume former routine; public attitude on Japanese made in survey; block 30 reviews holiday activities; art institute; headlines cont.; around the blocks.

Page 3: Co-op; carpenter class to hold first annual exhibit; swing orchestra in debut at New Year's party; museum in hand-made exhibit; Buddhist church in New Years' service; to be or not to be; Rev. Fujimori gives New Years' message; block 35 party.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #3: Jan. 8, 1943

Page 1: Schools to reopen Monday; circulation of change is urged; establish new camp in Texas for internees; registration for junior college begins Monday; center golf club head; start production on fire uniforms; 1943 'firsts' recorded; job openings; professors due to arrive here to study guayule.

Page 2: Editorial; Traffic News; clarification of furniture sale purposes made; residents given another chance for rebates; From the Nation's Press; vital statistics; Doctor Togasaki thanks local residents in letter.

Page 3: Co-op; dance tonight; library reopens; Ferguson to speak; religious services.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #4: Jan. 13, 1943

Page 1: Experiment under as evacuees leave; new tax may affect residents; shoe repair shop opens for business; horse sense sez; new implements boost output of shoyu; From the Nation's Press; no benefits; many jobs open; stove repair; sign application for compensation; on the social side; 'filthy lucre'; beauty spots.

Page 2: Editorial; book review; library notes; night, day classes; Justameres hold election.

Page 3: Co-op; Scouts to hold conference; traffic news; five added to faculty; Miss Dunbar greets friends; unclaimed package; finder, please return; Campbell moved; visiting hours; Miss Rhoads visits; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #5: Jan. 16, 1943

Page 1: 'Date with Falcon' on screen tonight; peace and harmony main topic of talk; parents-teachers schedule parties; canteen to close evenings; evacuee goods deadline set; instructions begin for music lovers; junior college to open Monday; open English classes for Issei, Kibei; system of fire control inadequate; calendars here; asks for books.

Page 2: Editorial; after the deadline; adult classes in economics open; shooting the breeze; new class open; 464 bodies bring Christmas cheer; letter tells of sight-seeing trip; Buddhists to gather; art exhibit; Christian council has new members; dead editor; donation acknowledged; museum exhibit; sweetheart's ball.

Page 3: Co-op; lectures to raise scholarship fund; prevent colds; four to speak on 'Nisei problems'; Scouts in session; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

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