Manzanar Free Press, Volume 5 #6-10

Volume 5 #6: Jan. 19, 1944

Page 1: Nisei war hero returns home; difficulties in present job offer system told; return Tule Lake to civil administration; correct errors on clothing allowance; explain rice shortage, milk in camp; ask departments to meet deadline; Causey heads service department; Catholic publication hits 'you can't trust a jap' sentiment; to speed up leave clearance hearings; nearly 200 leave clearances arrive; seek teachers for Manzanar schools; Lockheed test pilot hospitalized here.

Page 2: Editorials; letters from the public; Dr.Strong releases examination schedule; beet worker tells outside conditions; notify depositors of Sumitomo bank; job offers cont; close Leupp center; vital statistics.

Page 3: With the Manzanar A.Ps; As They Come and Go; evacuees resettled in Rockford, Illinois, find good housing there; Around the Blocks; A Year Ago This Week; to hold inter-club meeting; hold ball room dancing; fire destroys six Poston warehouses; hold surprise shower.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #7: Jan. 22, 1944

Page 1: Former bishop of Tokyo will aid relocation; Izumi accepted as CAP cadet; seniors to present 'Growing Pains'; relocation officer spikes seasonal leave rumors; warm this week; Army to draft Japanese Americans; claim garden plots with name stakes; trucks cause break in main water line; fire aide officer arrives this week; nine leave center for war industry; Engle reports on Tule Japanese problem hearing; complete wiring of camp's fire phones; ask fair treatment of loyal Americans.

Page 2: Editorial; letters from the public; local college staff needs replacement; plan class schedule for new semester; board election held by local Red Cross; plan to standardize camp social affairs; Engle cont; paintings featured; checks distributed; erect switchboard.

Page 3: Fifth column; ballet dancing; From Other Centers; offer sewing machines; need typists; predict further Zoot Suit outbreak; domestic work; hold farewell party.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #8: Jan. 26, 1944

Page 1: Managers limit social expenses; draft is no reason for return; local photos on display; fire causes no damage; Army withdraws from Tule Lake; Kendo resumes.

Page 2: Editorial; Around the blocks; As They Come and Go; social expenses cont

Page 3: Three added to staff; surveyors; co-op delays rebate refund; CIO seeks Nisei steno; Bussei girls to make flag; cosmetology class open; owner sought for Iowa home; begin work on mess 12; judo office change made.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5, 6: In Japanese.

This issue was done in the old mimeograph style.

Volume 5 #9: Jan. 29, 1944

Page 1: Official dates released for segregation move; direction asks cooperation on constructions; Nowell added to fire staff; Myer defends Tule Lake administration at Los Angeles; hold preliminary draft discussions; arrest three men for making rice gin; clarify procedures for personal goods; locals join in paralysis drive; new barber charge released by co-op.

Page 2: DeWitt discloses evacuation motives; call Nisei to arms; work qualifications for allowances told; association to receive co-op aid; display photographs at visual museum; Myer cont; design garb to fit local femms.

Page 3: Mileage reduction of automobiles seen; describe death scene of Mr. K9; enjoy work in camp Reverend here says. locally-raised meat distributed in camp; Army 'no bed of roses' says pvt. at Camp Shelby.

Page 4: Publish story by Camp Shelby soldier; Army life cont; find mattress making tedious; population declines.

Page 5: Fifth Column; As They Come and Go; Japanese foodstuff expected here soon; November clothing allowances arrive; to members of Tule Lake co-op.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-12: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #10: Feb. 2, 1944

Page 1: Local hospital faces severe labor shortage; request aliens for change of address; expect shipment of hogs from Nevada; Myer releases policies for governing of Tule Lake disloyal camp; render cautions to male citizens here; student clearance methods facilitated; arrest Japanese in forbidden area; new physical exam procedure gives 60 days before induction.

Japanese American barred from radio broadcast.

Page 2: Editorial; letters from the public; hold farewell judo tournament today; As They Come and Go; residents disturbed over Japanese atrocity news; tell peace officers of Nisei volunteers; file income tax return by March 15.

Page 3: Offer new course in fingerprinting; 'doing well' writes former Manzanite; draft cont; first Japanese WAC; begin basic English classes for adults; personnel officer returns to work.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5,6: In Japanese.

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