Manzanar Free Press, Volume 5 #11-15

Volume 5 #11: Feb. 5, 1944

Page 1: $14,000 goal set in local war fund drive; to resume junior college classes; pardon Army chief in civil court case; eligibility list for pullmans released; Hon asks smokers to use ash trays; Canadian Niseis refuse gift of Japanese food; WMC race advisor Weaver quits post; Myer appoints Mills to head Poston; warns danger of racial persecution; block 15 leads in paralysis drive; award Purple Heart to Nisei battalion; young Californians miss Nisei friends; Warren criticizes Tule Lake return.

Page 2: Editorials; letters from the public; resume classes cont.

Page 3: Around the Blocks; Mananzanr high school news; A Year Ago This Week; all-Miller session; As They Come and Go; seek experienced poultry worker.


Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #12: Feb. 9, 1944

Page 1: Cornerstone ceremony for aud. slated; open Army A-12 program to Nisei; issue instructions for G.I. articles; cancel Chicago seasonal job offers; Washington approves program for local farming division; Merritt completes final Tule Lake arrangement; clarify WRA policy on return to camp; Dies to continue with investigation; Gen. Emmons warns on prohibited areas; announce additions to hosptial staff; Army officers laud Nisei battalion; bill on disloyals studied in Congress; cancel Chicago jobs; assembly condemns Japanese atrocities; congress meet.

Page 2: Editorial; take orders for photos this week; to give treatments; name staff heads for Tule movement; Carney to instruct new dramatic class; fingerprint class to begin tonight; Tule arrangement cont; reveal return of recent co-op movie; new mess ruling.

Page 3: Afternoon class in shorthand planned; local disposal of grease possible; writer defends Nisei in article; disloyals may lose U.S. citizenship; outside conditions explained by Issei; Nisei war hero tells of narrow escape; Buddhist church to hold farewell affair; clarify pullman list; receive decoration.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #13: Feb. 12, 1944

Page 1: Give procedure on selective service notices; install alarm boxes for fire hazards; Commonwealth Club lauds Sgt. Kuroki; processing schedules for segregants is released; Omaha Nisei eager to serve in Army; construction on community aud. commences; Rev. Coffin pleads for racial justice; federal govt. files condemnation suit involving Manzanar; canteen sells rice; hold board meet to discuss plans; co-op books special movie; explain procedure for missing goods; news commentator stresses fair play for Nisei citizens; Chicago employment situation unchanged.

Page 2: Editorials; majority of residents now eligible to reside near Eastern seacoast; segregation cont.; poem; Army frees Hata after detention.

Page 3: Produce plugs from Manzanar Guayule ; offers in Chicago; letters from the public; man confesses to fire setting charge; vital statistics; Nisei success story in New York told; send greetings to Japanese Americans; urge bottle return; Red Cross messages; book inventory; From Other Centers.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #14: Feb. 16, 1944

Page 1: Demorest explains draft deferment matters here; jobs available, says Miller; grand jury indicts five Tule evacuees; personnel officer explains how to secure draft cards; pin-up problem; come claim pack; photo of blind Nisei contained in Life; sports; fiscal department distributes checks; new teacher arrives; OPA appoints Collins ration board clerk; come claim pack; WRA takes steps to protect centers; Korematsu appeals to Supreme Court; cattle run amuck at Reynold's Ranch; introduce bill aimed at disloyal citizens; Roosevelt condemns racial violence acts.

Page 2: Editorial; letters from the public; Tule bounders paid patronage refunds; Coloradoans oppose exclusion proposal; piano renting fee; don't read this; co-op shows stable financial status; classified ads.

Page 3: Best sellers arrive at local libraries; begin bugle classes; relocation office obtains new books; Fargo attracts many settlers; to offer course in American history; A Year Ago This Week; Chicago has most local relocatees; As They Come and Go; seek watchmakers.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #15: Feb. 19, 1944

Page 1: Dept. of Interior takes over WRA centers; Manzanar segregants to entrain at Lone Pine for Tule Center; hunt for blood donor widens in unique case; Ickes comments; Myer comments; teachers sought; statistics of segregation released; to map mess hall closing at meeting; Harry Black to aid in train movement.

Page 2: Editorial; As they Come and Go; to present concert; dept. of interior takes over WRA; relocation cure for 'Manzanar Madness'; Capt. Fackler heads local military post; pictures and Bussei guides sold.

Page3: Fifth Column; halt all moving; Gilkey warns hikers to stay inside area; From Other Centers; reveal good outside job offers; local Y clubs hold first 1944 meeting; editorial.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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